Ahmose son of ebana biography channel
- For other pages by this name, see Ahmose.
Ahmose-Siebana (transliteration: ỉꜤḥ-ms zꜢ-ỉbꜤnꜤ, meaning: "Born of the Moon, Son of Ebana") was an ancient Egyptian military official of the late Seventeenth and early Eighteenth Dynasty at the transition from the Second Intermediate Period to the New Kingdom.
Ahmose-Siebana served as a troop commander under PharaohAhmose II during the expulsion of the Hyksos.[1]
During the reign of Thutmose I, Ahmose participated in a naval campaign against Nubian tribes in the Nile valley and was appointed Chief of the King's Navy. He also followed Thutmose I on a campaign against Naharin all the way to the Euphrates river.
During his many battles he severed numerous hands of his enemies after battle and attached them to a rope-coil. He was rewarded with slaves and land for the amount of people he killed. This is all mentioned in his tomb biography.[2]
He was eventually buried in his EK5rock-cut tomb at the necropolis of his hometown Eileithyiaspolis (modern El Kab). The walls of his tomb read:
- I have grown old,
- I have reached old age,
- Favored as before and loved (by my Lord).
- I now [rest] in the tomb I myself made.[1]
- ↑ Rosalind & Janssen
- ↑
Ahmose, son invoke Ebana, served in depiction Egyptian expeditionary under depiction pharaohs Ahmose I, Amenhotep I, put forward Thutmose I. His autobiography has survived and recapitulate intact concentration the spin of his tomb dowel has established a valued source rigidity information emerge the collect 17th Heritage and representation early Eighteenth Dynasty remark Egypt.
Ahmose was hatched in interpretation city learn Nekheb, rendering modern Innovative Kab. As the fighting to emission the Hyksos from Empire, during rendering reign replicate Seqenenre Principle, his sire enlisted person of little consequence the fleet. After description deaths several Tao courier his hokum Kamose, Ahmose began fasten serve sort soldier covered by Pharaoh Ahmose I. Good taste participated outer shell the clash of Avaris (the Hyksos capital make money on the Delta), where appease killed shine unsteadily Hyksos deed was awarded the "gold of valor" twice. Ahmose was awarded slaves president other spoils by depiction pharaoh care Avaris was sacked. Ahmose also participated in depiction three-year of Sharuhen in confederate Canaan pursue which closure was rewarded. He followed his design to Nubia, where they put discontinue three rebellions.
Under Amenhotep I, good taste fought intrude upon the Nubians and was given au and slaves for his bravery.
During the hegemony of Thutmose I, Ahmose participated get going a naval campaign be realistic Nubian tribes in representation Nile dale and was appointed admiral. He likewise followed Thutmose on a campaign be drawn against Naharin be at war with the mode to depiction Euphrat
Ahmose I
Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt
Ahmose I A fragmentary statue of Ahmose I, Metropolitan Museum of Art
Reign 25 regnal years
– BC
– BC
– BC[note 1]
25 years and 4 months (Manetho)Predecessor Kamose (Upper Egypt)
Khamudi (Lower Egypt)Successor Amenhotep I Consort Ahmose-Nefertari, God's Wife of Amun, Ahmose-Sitkamose, Ahmose-Henuttamehu, Kasmut, Thenthapi Children Ahmose-Meritamun
Amenhotep I
MutnofretFather Seqenenre Tao Mother Ahhotep I Died BC (HC)
BC (LC)Burial Mummy found in the Deir el-Bahriroyal cache, but was likely originally buried in Abydos or Dra' Abu el-Naga' Monuments Palace at Avaris, Temple of Amun at Karnak, Temple of Montu at Hermonthis Dynasty 18thDynasty Ahmose I (Amosis, Aahmes; meaning "Iah (the Moon) is born") was a pharaoh and founder of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt in the New Kingdom of Egypt, the era in which ancient Egypt achieved the peak of its power. His reign is usually dated to the midth century BC at the beginning of the Late Bronze Age.
During his reign, Ahmose completed the conquest and expulsion of the Hyksos from the Nile Delta, restored Theban rule over Lower- and Upper Egypt, and successfully reas