Aleks sierz biography of albert

  • Aleks Sierz, author and theatre critic, also teaches courses on postwar British theatre for various universities, in the UK and in Germany.
  • Aleks Sierz's Good Nights Out is an engaging work that focuses on popular theatre from 1940 to the end of 2015.
  • History play gives an imaginatively queer reading of the Cleveland Street Scanda Read now.
  • Albert and his amazing technicolour coat

    Forget dour. Those Victorians were a colourful lot. Pink and gold railings, 1,100 sq ft of glittering mosaics... you’ll need shades when you visit the restored Albert Memorial, warns Aleks Sierz.

    High above London, 200 feet up in fact, there’s a view of the city that only a privileged few have ever seen: across the road is the mighty dome of the Royal Albert Hall, behind me the stately lawns and flower beds of Kensington Gardens, while beneath my feet lies a unique piece of Victorian history, risen spectacularly from the dead.

    The Albert Memorial, for so it is, had for many years been dirty and unloved, barely worth a second glance. When a large chunk of it slid off in 1983, the whole thing was bandaged up in cladding and scaffolding, until Sir Jocelyn Stevens, chairman of English Heritage, decided to give it a makeover five years ago.

    The cosmetic surgery is now complete, and after pound;11 million and the meticulous attention of 150 experts using everything from ancient crafts to state-of-the-art lasers (the first time they’ve been used to clean a monument), we have a memorial that tells us a surprising amount about the spirit of the Victorian age.

    Just before the cladding came off last autumn, English Heritage allowed me t

  • aleks sierz biography of albert
  • New writing in British theatre today



    Lecture entitled Blasted and After: New Writing in British Theatre Today, about in-yer-face theatre in 1990s and its aftermath, given by Aleks Sierz (Visiting Research Fellow, Rose Bruford College) at a meeting of the Society for Theatre Research, at the Art Workers Guild, London. Expletives not deleted.

    It is worth noting that British theatre in the Noughties had little to say about some of the topics that people actually argue about.


    New writing special: Lecture entitled Blasted and After: New Writing in British Theatre Today, about in-yer-face theatre in 1990s and its aftermath, given by Aleks Sierz (Visiting Research Fellow, Rose Bruford College) at a meeting of the Society for Theatre Research, at the Art Workers Guild, London. Expletives not deleted.

    Recorded: 16 February 2010

    Transcribed by the V&A © This transcript is copyright of the Trustees of the Victoria and Albert Museum. If you wish to refer to this in publication its reference is NEW WRITING SPECIAL and you must quote the url in your address bar.

    Aleks Sierz: Good evening. I hope you don’t mind if I read from a prepared text — I’m strictly text-based, darlings. I wish that I could say that I will be brief, but given the

    (Continuum Modern Playhouse Guides) Dramatist, John - Sierz, Aleks - Can Osborne's Seem Back underneath Anger-Continuum (2008)

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    (Continuum Further Theatre Guides) Osborne, John_Sierz, Aleks - John Osborne's Look Reduction in Anger-Continuum (2008)


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