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The Years of Alienation in Italy: Factory and Asylum Between the Economic Miracle and the Years of Lead
Social alienation
Although the concept of alienation has a variety of meanings and uses in different disciplines, within the social sciences the Marxist definition is certainly the most popular.
According to Marx, the condition of alienation corresponds with a feeling of estrangement (Entfremdung) from one's humanity as a result of stratification into social classes. Belonging to a social class as a passive and mechanistic part of the system means that the individual is deprived of selfdetermination and free will. This is a consequence of the capitalist mode of production, which transforms the worker into an economic entity whose activity is fully controlled by the bourgeoisie, who own the means of production. As a result, although workers are self-realized subjects, within the logic of production they are tools from which owners aim to extract the maximum surplus value. At the same time, the working class is alienated from the product of their labor, which is taken from the control of workers and buyers, being determined by the capitalist class. In sum, in Marxian terms alienation is a "state produced by the ravages of a particular economic system -viz, capitali