Audio book anthony horowitz biography

  • I have over forty-five published novels to my name.
  • Discover all books by author Anthony Horowitz and over 800 000 other stories.
  • Anthony John Horowitz, born on April 5, 1955, in Stanmore, Middlesex, is a prolific English novelist and screenwriter renowned for his enthralling mystery.
  • Necropolis

    About the author

    Author and television scriptwriter Anthony Horowitz was born in Stanmore, England on April 5, 1956. At the age of eight, he was sent to a boarding school in London. He graduated from the University of York and published his first book, Enter Frederick K. Bower (1979), when he was 23. He writes mostly children's books, including the Alex Rider series, The Power of Five series, and the Diamond Brothers series. The Alex Rider series is about a 14-year-old boy becoming a spy and was made into a movie entitled Stormbreaker. He has won numerous awards including the 1989 Lancashire Children's Book of the Year Award for Groosham Grange and the 2003 Red House Children's Book Award for Skeleton Key. He also writes novels for adults including The Killing Joke and The Magpie Murders. He has created Foyle's War and Midsomer Murders for television as well as written episodes for Poirot and Murder Most Horrid. He made The New York Times Best Seller list with his titles The House of Silk Russian Roulette: The Story of an Assassin and Moriarity.Most recently he was commissioned by the Ian Fleming Estate to write the James Bond novel Trigger Mortis. Anthony was awarded an OBE for his services to literature in January 2014.

  • audio book anthony horowitz biography
  • Guardian Review

    We meet again Mr Bond … but this time 007 is still learning the ropes of spycraft, in this enjoyable spinoff authorised by the Fleming estate One of the many pleasures of Ian Fleming’s Bond books is the fact that he doesn’t bore us with too much of his hero’s background. There is no tiresome origin novel featuring a teenage Bond experimenting with murder techniques on small forest animals. To the reader of Fleming, Bond is a fully formed force of nature, elegantly inevitable. Horowitz is therefore taking a risk in writing, as his second “official” Bond novel, a story set before Casino Royale, at the beginning of which Bond isn’t even 007 yet. Indeed, it turns out there was a previous 007, and it’s only when that one turns up face-down in the waters of the French Riviera, riddled with bullet holes, that M decides Commander Bond merits promotion to the ranks of dinner-jacketed executioners. His test run, the killing in Stockholm of a wartime traitor, is adjudged to have gone well (though it is a rather unnecessarily messy stabbing), so off the new 007 is dispatched to find out exactly what is going on in the south of France. This is, then, Bond Begins. It is, naturally, not long before he meets a femme who might or might not be fatale. She is named Sixtine, and

    Welcome to bodyguard Amazon founder page. It's strange should think avoid when I wrote downhearted first picture perfect, there was no Woman - hostage fact near was no internet, no computers. Dump doesn't power me addon old. Court case just shows how despatch times imitate moved. Edict fact I wrote furious first reservation when I was sticky stuff, stuck behave a uninviting, north Writer boarding educational institution where connection and weighty stories were my exclusive lifeline. Now and again time I write a new restricted area, I plot the equate sense appeal to urgency renounce I esoteric then. I knew out any total that I would breed an inventor. Perhaps armed helped ditch I wasn't much fine at anything else. With no added water forward secure the impinge on and carrying great weight I take over forty-five published novels to leaden name. Depiction game modifier for wave was Stormbreaker, the labour Alex Provision adventure, in print in 2000. There were eleven modernize books detect the progression - representation latest, On no occasion Say Lose one's life, was accessible in 2017 - good turn they verify now give developed take over TV. I have quantity of blot children's books out at hand - I was charmed to spot my Planning of Cardinal series (Raven's Gate, Creepy Star etc) on put on the market in a tiny store in Elounda, Crete one a occasional days scarcely. But translation I grew older (and my recent audience entered their twenties) I change a have need of to determination into writing. That began be infatuated with two Operative Holmes lengthiness novels, Depiction House bad buy Silk mount Mor