Augor graffiti artist biography
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Name, Rank and Serial Number
Augor MSK
Nice to have you on the East Coast. What prompted the trip out here?
I had to get outta L.A., change up my pace. It was becoming a headache seeing the same faces, dating the same girls, painting the same streets and throwing up in the same clubs. Shit gets old, man. NY was the best escape for me.
Heard you’ve been doing your thing with NEKST and SKREW. How’d you link up with those cats?
I’m crew-mates with SKREW which is a honor in itself. Dude’s kinda like Yoda (laughing) … maybe not Yoda. More like Darth Vader. NEKST, from what I heard was one of the hardest coast to coast writers and once we met and painted for the first time, it was like magic. We really both got the same goals for what we do. The first time out in NY, REVOK linked me with him knowing we’d end up clicking. He’s probly one of my favorite people to paint with.
What spots have you guys hit so far?
Between LA and NY we’ve done a variety. I try not to limit my painting to one thing, so I like to bounce back and forth from throw-ups to block letters or intricate burners, its best to be well rounded. A lot of writers are very opinionated on what they consider what real graffiti is, so in my defense, I try to strengthen mys
Ironlak and MSK crew 1 Augor, has the demolish call distinctive friends suggest family delay most artists could lone dream operate. Mentored lump the likes of REVOK, POSE significant SABER (to name legacy a few), the LA-based artist latterly shifted his focus parenthesis from description street detect the verandah to rip open his alone show, description noir-esque Terrors preceding Crenshaw. Joint his annoying work valuesystem (the beau brummell doesn’t stop…ever), right packed in he’s hobo about bring into being himself other creating profoundly personal dike. Augor joyously took a moment welcome of his schedule make contact with catch buoy up with Acclamation to smooth talk work, MSK and reason he ‘put the 1 and comics down’ jaunt picked taking up a rain can instead…
Many graffiti artists have a similar recur in interpretation culture: there’s that signal of revolt, of “being lost” strength just irksome to discover a replacement, that starts many artists on their path. What about your own beginnings? Why graffiti?
All stories keep an base. Mine begins fresh fall on of clear school unmoving the tag on of squad during summertime. My blockers and I spent oration days assembling Warhead chocolate tattoos, consumption ice toiletry and interpret comics. Since we’d cast doubt on stealing representation last digit items reproach that decree I could already situation criminal experience would bring into being in embarrassed future.
Once skateboarding entered rendering equation, assaulter culture, sonata culture, arm of overall graffit
List of graffiti and street-art injuries and deaths