Autobiography of mannathu padmanabhan malayalam

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    Mannathu Padmanabhan Nair (January 2, 1878 - February 25, 1970) was a social reformer and a freedom fighter from the State of Kerala, India. He is recognized as the founder of the organization called the Nair Service Society. This organization represents the Nair community which constitutes almost 14.5% of the population of the state[1]. Padmanabhan is considered as a visionary reformer who organized a 5 million Nair community under the NSS.

    He was born on January 2, 1878, to Eswaran Namboothiri of Nilavana Illam and Mannathu Parvathy Amma of a respectable Nair family near Changanassery, in North Travancore.

    Padmanabhan started his career as a teacher in 1893 in a Government Primary School. After a few years, he changed his profession and took up the legal practice from 1905 onwards. He started practicing law in the Magistrates Courts and soon became an established member of the Bar.

    In 1914, he with the help of a few others established the Nair Service Society, his main ambition was to uplift the Nairs and to regain the lost power of this former ruling sect. From 1915 onwards, he gave up a lucrative practice and became full

    സാമൂഹിക ജീവിതപ്രതിഫലനം മലയാള ആത്മകഥാസാഹിത്യത്തിൽ സി. കേശവൻ , കെ പി കേശവമേനോൻ, മന്നത്ത് പത്മനാഭൻ എന്നിവരുടെ ആത്മകഥകളെ മുൻനിർത്തി ഒരു പഠനം (Social reflexes in Malayalam autobiographies: muchrepeated reference inhibit C. Kesavan, K P Keshavamenon president Mannathu Padmanabhan)

    Accession NumberT 2762 
    Call Number 
    Research ScholarJomole Jose (ജോമോൾ ജോസ് ) 
    GuideJaysree, V R (ഡോ. ജയശ്രീ വി ആർ) 
    Centre incessantly ResearchDepartment prime Malayalam, N S S Hindu College, Changanacherry 
    Scholar AddressSmt. Jomole Jose, Chamakalayil, Mundukottakal Post, Pathanamthitta 689649  
    Guide AddressDr. Jaysree V R, Reader(Retd) Section of Malayalam, N S S Hindustani college , Perunna, Changanassery Arunapuram P O, Kottayam 686574  
    Branch of StudyMalayalam language
    KeywordsMalayalam Literature
    Kesavan, C
    Kesavamenon K P, Mannathu Padmanabhan
    Literary disapproval and workingout

    Mannathu Padmanabhan

    Storey of Mannathu Padmanabhan is the storey of an extra ordinary leader and a Social Reformer who worked with conviction for the upliftment of his Community and welfare of every one.

    Mannathu Padmanabhan was born on 2nd January 1878 to Parvathy Amma and IsharaN Nambudiri in a poor family.

    He had the initial education in Kalari – a traditional village School .After finishing his education at the Kalari, he was sent to a Malayalam School, but, he was forced to give up study because of of the bad financial situation.

    His meagre Education was marked by intermittent breaks and some he passed lower grade Service Test.

    He worked as a Teacher in a village School for some time. Later, he passed Magistrate Eligibility Examination in vernacular language, and practised as a Pleader in a Magistrate Court. But his interest waned Off in the profession and his life was drawn to Social Life. He relentlessly worked for removal of untouchability and brought a low cast man to his home, ate together and the utensil used by such low cast man was washed by his mother.

    History had recorded how he violated temple entry prohibition prevalent in those times and took with him low cast men to the village temple for prayer with him much ahead of the Formal Tem

  • autobiography of mannathu padmanabhan malayalam