Awal kepresidenan suharto biography

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  • First Development Cabinet

    First Development Cabinet
    Kabinet Pembangunan I

    Date formed10 June 1968 (1968-06-10)
    Date dissolved27 March 1973 (1973-03-27)
    Head of stateSuharto
    Head of governmentSuharto
    No. of ministers25 ministers
    PredecessorAmpera II Cabinet
    SuccessorDevelopment II Cabinet

    The First Development Cabinet (Indonesian: Kabinet Pembangunan I) is the name of the cabinet of the Indonesian government led by President Suharto. This cabinet was announced on 6 June 1968 and served from 10 June 1968 until 27 March 1973. The composition of this cabinet is not much different from the composition of ministers in the Revised Ampera Cabinet. Shortly after the 1971 election, on 9 September 1971, President Suharto announced a reshuffle of the First Development Cabinet and appointed the reshuffled ministers on 11 September 1971.

    The main tasks of the cabinet, as stipulated in MPRS Decree No. XLI/MPRS/1968 and known as Panca Krida, were:

    • Creating political and economic stability as the unnegotiable prerequisite for the success of the Five Year Development Plan and the Legislative Election.
    • Organizing and executing the Five Year Development Plan.
    • Holding Legislative Elections on 5 July 197
    • awal kepresidenan suharto biography
    • By Andreas Harsono, Special to CorpWatch

      Copyrights of Khalil Bendid. All rights reserved.

      Former Indonesianruler Suharto died last month a very wealthy man. In 1999, a year after he stepped down as Indonesia's second president, Timemagazine reported his wealth at US$15 billion.

      "Not bad for a man whose presidential salary was $1,764 a month when he left office," the magazine reported.

      And not bad for a peasant boy born in 1921 in Kemusuk, a small Javanese village, during Dutch colonial control. Suharto's route to power and wealth was through the military. In 1954, he took a new job in Semarang, on the north coast of Java, only a three-hour drive from his military base in Jogjakarta. It thrust the 33-year-old Javanese officer into a totally different world.

      Before the 1954 promotion, Suharto had been a field commander. Now, as head of the Diponegoro military command in Semarang, his immediate job was not to lead military operations, but to feed the thousands of troops under him. His new division consisted of an assortment of thugs and soldiers, bandits and militias. And like most post-independence armies, it was poorly funded.

      If Suharto was to succeed in the new Indonesia that was emerging after World War II, he would have to find ways to keep the army in

      Kejatuhan Suharto

      Suharto meletakkan jawatan sebagai Presiden State pada 21 Mei 1998 berikutan kejatuhan sokongan untuk jawatan presiden selama 32 tahun. Naib Presiden B.J. Habibie mengambil alih jawatan presiden.

      Cengkaman Suharto terhadap kuasa semakin lemah berikutan krisis ekonomi dan politik yang teruk berpunca daripada krisis kewangan Asia 1997. Ekonomi mengalami pelarian normal asing, membawa kepada kejatuhan drastik dalam nilai rupiah Indonesia, yang memberi kesan teruk kepada ekonomi dan mata pencarian rakyat.

      Suharto telah dipilih semula untuk penggal ketujuhnya oleh Dewan Perundingan Rakyat (MPR) pada Mac 1998. Pergolakan politik yang semakin meningkat dan keganasan menjejaskan sokongan politik dan ketenteraan beliau yang sebelum ini teguh, menyebabkan beliau meletak jawatan pada Mei 1998. Pada mulanya di bawah Presiden Habibie yang baru dilantik, berlakunya tempoh reformasi politik.

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      Selepas mengukuhkan kuasa pada tahun 1967 akibat cubaan rampasan kuasa pada tahun 1965 yang dilancarkan oleh pegawai peringkat pertengahan dalam tentera Indonesia dan tentera udara tetapi secara rasmi dipersalahkan kepada Parti Komunis Country (PKI) yang