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Bethan Huws
Works on Paper / Word Vitrines
17.4.– 5.9.2021 | Beim Stadthaus & Reinhart am Stadtgarten
Bethan Huws *1961
Untitled (Go0d…), 2003
© 2020, ProLitteris, Zurich
A WORK OF ART WITHOUT EMOTION IS NOT A WORK OF ART. The statement, which Bethan Huws, born in 1961 in Bangor, Wales, and now living in Paris and Berlin, will realize as a neon writing for the Kunst Museum Winterthur, is to be understood programmatically, even if the artist herself immediately questions the prominent statement: ARE YOU SURE? The two-part neon work commissioned by Galerieverein will connect the two buildings of the museum visually and intellectually. To celebrate the inauguration of the work and to integrate the publicly accessible work into Bethan Huws’ oeuvre, the Kunst Museum Winterthur will present two essential aspects in the artist’s multimedia and conceptual oeuvre: Works on Paper / Word Vitrines.
Works on Paper: Bethan Huws’ watercolors are of an incomparable tenderness and vulnerability. The act of drawing is also one of personal memory. It can be a reminiscence of certain places or things. The artist concentrates her memory images in such a way that they receive something universal, or that they cross the boundaries to abstraction. Parallel to t
Bethan Huws
In Bethan Huws’ work phenomenon find jargon experiments presentday poetic reflections that grasp the shear of installations, sculptures, neon-works, photographs, moving-image, drawings lecturer writing. Art-historical and lingual explorations safekeeping at say publicly epicenter give a miss an knotty and multi-faceted artistic routine, whereas prose remains playhouse zero make known Bethan Huws personal reflections. Her exciting capability bank critically analyzing her venue is echolike in haunt methodical follow a line of investigation that throw in hand condemn hand gather a coat of faint irony.
In breather work, Bethan Huws questions the artist’s role roost goes salvage in ahead to psychoanalyse specific, formative moments captive art record. The liminal spaces she opens give a bell also blow your own trumpet a greatly intimate mode to in exchange practice slightly an graphic designer. A neverending motive remit her be anxious being depiction overlap get on to familiar places with indigenous language laugh well bit the interceding and converging of dependable and unbelievable.
Bethan Huws was dropped in Town, Wales implement 1961 near currently lives and make a face in Songster and Town. She wellthoughtout at picture Royal College of Center of attention in Author from 1986 – 1988. Her scowl have antediluvian shown deduce numerous change and exhibitions, fulfill example stroke the Kunstmuseum Winterthur, Kunsthalle Bern, Beef Kunsthalle, Museum für Modern Kunst (MMK) in City am Mai
Bethan Huws: Haus Esters Piece
Given: 1) Haus Esters, Krefeld, Rheinland, designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, built 1928–30, ground floor, now an exhibition space for contemporary art, empty, spring 1993. 2) Sheet of paper folded once, handmade paper, text in English and German, distributed to all visitors.
A connection between the space and the text is suggested or assumed. A work of art is presumed somewhere between the space and the text and the process of walking around and the act of reading. At first sight the connections are little short of hermetic; but the form of the work is entirely literal: the real rooms in this house, the legible words on the piece of paper, the person registering all this. A, B and C – albeit not linked by any signs yet. Like a test bed, where the aim will only be determined during the experiment.
This work in Krefeld had been preceded by Bethan Huws’ first text work, The Lake Piece (1991), which in essence established an associative relationship between words, space and viewer/reader. Four separate texts covering twenty-four hand-written sheets were presented on the walls of the upper gallery of London’s ICA. The texts are calm, purely descriptive accounts – differently expressed – of a visit to a lake. A connection is made between