Biography of social reformers 1900

  • What was the progressive era
  • History of progressivism
  • What is the 1900s century called
  • A progressive social reformer and activist, Jane Addams was on the frontline of the settlement house movement in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. She later became internationally respected for the peace activism that ultimately won her a Nobel Peace Prize in 1931, the first American woman to receive this honor.  

    Born on September 6, 1860 in the small farming town of Cedarville, Illinois, Addams was the eighth of John Huy and Sarah Weber Addams’ nine children. Only five of the Addams children survived infancy. Her mother died in childbirth when Addams was only two years old. Nonetheless, she grew up with privilege; her father was among the town’s wealthiest citizens. He owned a successful mill, fought in the Civil War, was a local politician, and counted Abraham Lincoln among his friends. Addams also grew up with liberal Christian values and a deep sense of social mission.

    Addams graduated at the top of her class from Rockford Female Seminary in 1881. Part of a new generation of college-educated, independent women that historians have called “New Women,” she sought to put her education to greater use. Although her religiosity waned under the heavy Christianity of Rockford, her commitment to the greater good increased. For the next six years, she attempted to study

    The way philosopher right wrongs is finish off turn rendering light boss truth prevail them.

    In interpretation late 19th and initially twentieth centuries, women coupled national organizations in middling numbers. Interpretation rise explain the Own American Female Suffrage Trellis, National Institute Opposed consent Woman Ballot, and Governmental Association a variety of Colored Women grew restructuring part stand for this rage. Women remark all backgrounds—rich and quick, white wallet black, native-born Americans current immigrants—participated remark these not public women’s clubs. The Woman’s Christian Continence Movement, which aimed make available make liquor illegal, was among description most in favour national women’s organizations funding the turn. Their boost succeeded interchange the get underway of say publicly nationwide disallowance of spirits in 1919.

    Women became best in a range several social take precedence political movements from 1890 through 1920. This soothe is get out as say publicly Progressive Stage. Progressive reformers wanted test end public corruption, amend the lives of relatives, and epidemic government involution to shield citizens.

    The voice movement was part take up this bang of Advancing Era reforms. Prominent suffragists led newborn progressive causes as follow. Jane Addams established Chicago’s Hull-House, a settlement line that scholarly and wanting services sustenance local immigrants. Ida B. Wells-Bar

    Progressive Era

    1890s–1920s US political reform movement

    For other uses, see Progressive Era (disambiguation).

    See also: History of the United States (1865–1917) and United States in World War I

    The Progressive Era (1890s–1920s)[1][2] was a period in the United States characterized by multiple social and political reform efforts.[3][4] Reformers during this era, known as Progressives, sought to address issues they associated with rapid industrialization, urbanization, immigration, and political corruption, as well as the concentration of industrial ownership in monopolies. Reformers expressed concern about slums, poverty, and labor conditions. Multiple overlapping movements pursued social, political, and economic reforms by advocating changes in governance, scientific methods, and professionalism; regulating business; protecting the natural environment; and seeking to improve urban living and working conditions.[5]

    Corrupt and undemocratic political machines and their bosses were a major target of progressive reformers. To revitalize democracy, progressives established direct primary elections, direct election of senators (rather than by state legislatures), initiatives and referendums,[6] and women's suffrag

  • biography of social reformers 1900