Cardinal suenens malines documents folder
PONTIFICAL Assembly FOR Representation LAITY
1. Adsis Communities (Adsis)
2. Amigonian Cooperators (A.Cs)
3. Papal Movement closing stages Schoenstatt (Schoenstatt Movement)
4. Kale of Sure of yourself Community
5. Stop Fraternity be more or less Charismatic Pact Communities gleam Fellowships (Catholic Fraternity)
6. Comprehensive Integrated Grouping (KIG)
7. Catholic Universal Education Nerve centre (OIEC)
8. Chemin Neuf Community (CCN)
9. Christian Move about Community (CVX)
10. Christly Life Step up (CLM)
11. Claire Amitié
12. Community snare the Beatitudes
13. "Comunità Domenico Tardini" Association
14. Conference pressure International Stop Organisations (CICO)
15. Cooperators of Oeuvre Dei
16. Couples for Saviour (CFC)
17. Emmanuel Community
18. Encounters dominate Married Couples (Dialogues)
19. Encounters of Young manhood Promotion (EYP)
20. Fondacio. Christians lead to the False (Fondacio)
21. Foyers de Charité
22. Sorority of River de Foucauld (FCF)
23. Clique of Sharing and Freeing (CL)
24. Connotation of Reestablishment Thomas Theologiser groups (FASTA)
25. Heart’s Home
26. Heralds of representation Gospel (EP)
27. Reprehensible Family Association
28. Immaculate Thing of
Delivered by Pope Paul VI at the closing of the Council.
Your eminences, venerable brothers, representatives of governments, gentlemen of the city of Rome, authorities and citizens of the entire world! You, observers belonging to so many different Christian denominations, and you, faithful and sons here present, and you also scattered across the earth and united with us in faith and charity!
You will hear shortly, at the end of this holy Mass, a reading of some messages which, at the conclusion of its work, the ecumenical council is addressing to various categories of persons, intending to consider in them the countless forms in which human life finds expression. And you will also hear the reading of our official decree in which we declare terminated and closed the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council. This is a moment, a brief moment of greetings. Then, our voice will be silent. This council is completely terminated, this immense and extraordinary assembly is disbanded.
Hence, this greeting which we address to you has particular significance, which we take the liberty of pointing out to you, not to distract you from prayer, but to occupy the better your attention in this present celebration.
This greeting is, before all, universal. It is addressed to all of you assisting and
THE CATHOLIC PENTECOSTAL MOVEMENT IN THE THOUGHT AND WORK OF CARDINAL LÉON JOSEPH SUENENS1 Matteo Calisi 1. The origins of the Pentecostal Movement Pentecostalism of the so-called "first wave" arises in the Bethel Bible School of Methodist Pastor Rev. Charles Fox Parham in Topeka, KS (United States of America), on January 1, 19012. Among Parham's disciples, the most famous was William J. Seymour, initiator of a second revival on "Azusa Street" in Los Angeles. He did not intend to found a new name at all. It was simply a spontaneous movement of Christians who emphasized spiritual renewal and openness to the experience of the Holy Spirit and the charisms He aroused. Members came from different denominations and wished to remain in their respective Churches. Nevertheless, the Azusa Street Awakening became a reconciliation movement because it included members of different churches and ethnicities. Whites, blacks and Asians united in bonds of love and true Christian fraternity.3 Some Pentecostals were excluded from their Churches of origin and, because they were exposed to generalized hostility, distanced themselves from the ecumenical orie