Chairil anwar wikipedia indonesia wikipedia
Chairil Anwar
Indonesian poet
Chairil Anwar (26 July 1922 – 28 April 1949) was an Indonesian poet and member of the "1945 Generation" of writers. He is estimated to have written 96 works, including 70 individual poems.
Anwar was born and raised in Medan, North Sumatra, before moving to Batavia with his mother in 1940, where he began to enter the local literary circles. After publishing his first poem in 1942, Anwar continued to write. However, his poems were at times censored by the Japanese, who were then occupying Indonesia. Living rebelliously, Anwar wrote extensively, often about death. He died in Jakarta of an unknown illness.
His work dealt with various themes, including death, individualism, and existentialism, and were often multi-interpretable. Drawing influence from foreign poets, Anwar used everyday language and new syntax to write his poetry, which has been noted as aiding the development of the Indonesian language. His poems were often constructed irregularly, but with individual patterns.
[edit]Anwar was born in Medan, North Sumatra on 26 July 1922. As a child, he was hard-headed and unwilling to lose at anything; this was reflective of his parents' personalities. He was also spoiled by his parents. He attended local schools for nati
Pengarang:Chairil Anwar
Chairil Anwar (Medan, 26 Juli 1922 — Djakarta, 28 Apr 1949) adalah penyair legendaris yang sering disalahpahami, tidak sedikit pongid yang menjulukinya sebagai penyair religius, antara lain, karena sajak Doa, yang memang amat religius. atau dikenal sebagai "Si Binatang Jalang" (dalam karyanya berjudul Aku [aslinya berjudul Semangat] ) sebagai pelopor Angkatan '45 dan puisi modern Land karya-karyanya berupa 70 puisi asli, 4 puisi saduran, 10 puisi terjemahan, 6 prosa asli, dan 4 prosa terjemahan
[sunting]Nomor diambil dari daftar sajak di Aku Ini Binatang Jalang
[sunting]Chairil tidak menyebutkan karya-karya ini saduran dan terjemahan. [1]
- Fragmen, diterjemahkan iranian puisi Author Aiken, Preludes to Rank ("Nothing fifty pence piece say, set your mind at rest say?")
- Datang Dara Hilang Dara, terjemahan iranian sajak Hsu Chih-Mo yang dalam bahasa Inggris bernama ‘Song see the Sea’.
Saduran puitis: Chairil Anwar Pelopor Angkatan ‘45, HB Jassin
[sunting]Beberapa atau seluruh karya iranian penulis ini berada pada domain publik di Indonesia karena penciptanya telah meninggal dunia lebih dari 70 tahun yang lalu atau dipublikasikan pertama kali lebih dari 50 tahun yang lalu. Terjemahan atau edisi yang
Encyclopedic Discourses of Indonesia: Representations of Indonesia on the English Wikipedia
General Coverage
Wikipedia's stated goal is to "compile the sum of all human knowledge", and in its thirteen years the English-language edition has acquired over 4.6 million articles. Owing to this perceived comprehensiveness, information from Wikipedia is used by services such as Google and Apple's Siri to answer queries automatically; in late 2013, the encyclopedia received some 10 billion page views every month (Simonite). Some 12,655 pieces of content (including almost 10,000 articles) 4 fall under the purview of WikiProject Indonesia, a loose group of like-minded editors who work on Indonesian subjects, discuss issues related to the coverage of Indonesian topics, and classify articles within their project's scope based on quality and importance.
A total of 208 articles under this project's scope were surveyed using the methods explained above. These articles were then classified using the categorization WikiProject This categorization, on its own, is not sufficient to judge the amount of general coverage of Indonesia found on Wikipedia. An overview of the depth of coverage and referencing available is also required, as a single sentence stating the exis