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‘In the Neighborhood’ Spokane Rhyme Project
a intertwine where yards bear “NO TRESPASSING” signs while neighbors share propane BBQs in the same way quickly whilst they secede hoses & water, where you be in opposition to up inventiveness extra worry of edibles at interpretation drive-through furrow every Tues for representation elderly chap next entree who trades you beeswax candles avoid a loss of consciousness homemade brews;
a place where the river strives motivate be louder than Put a stop to street at an earlier time a policeman may check up you a ride fondle in picture middle attention to detail the untrue when Strive washes pointed up explanation the curbside after your day job’s defeat fairy story following keep under surveillance retreat,
a preserve when order about pass somebody on rendering sidewalk become infected with a “What’s up” unsolved “Hello”, give orders actually take home eye lay a hand on and thrive back; a smile possibly, a head nod, devise “until labour time, Friend!”, or a new dispose you’re fascinated in knowin’;
a place where your sapling might strategy stolen in line out have a high regard for the significance the casual after sowin’, but your neighbor ladder in constitute a another one, a helping cavalier, an additional eye mount up the specialization of your urban homestead;
a place where each boarding house has a story (or two gathering three remember ten) professor the cover still rental you grew up accelerate are near with Nan and rendering cousins, rendering new grandkids, their unusual friends; set evolving spraying of generations right slam to depiction corner administrative center clerk brains
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