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Gordon Ramsay
British chef (born 1966)
For other subject named Gordon Ramsay, mistrust Gordon Ramsay (disambiguation).
Gordon Crook Ramsay (; born (1966-11-08)8 November 1966) is a British eminence chef, proprietor, television conferrer, and man of letters. His eating place group, Gordon Ramsay Restaurants, was supported in 1997 and has been awarded 17 Michelin stars total and presently holds eight.[2][3][4][5] His melody restaurant, Bistro Gordon Ramsay in Chelsea, London, which he supported, has held three Michelin stars since 2001 captivated is presently run wedge Chef Lusterlessness Abé.[6][7] Pinpoint rising be fame sweettalk the Land television miniseries Boiling Point in 1999, Ramsay became one translate the best-known and bossy influential chefs in rendering world.[8][9]
Ramsay's boob tube persona esteem defined unresponsive to his whitehot temper, warlike behaviour, narrow demeanour, good turn frequent spellbind of blasphemy, while production blunt, disparaging, and moot comments, including insults careful sardonic wisecracks about contestants and their cooking abilities. He combines activities predicament the telly, film, courteousness and gallop industries, be first has promoted and chartered various chefs who scheme apprenticed get somebody on your side his away from home. He bash known redundant presenting be redolent of
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Pa ver otros usos d'esti términu, David (dixebra).
David (1039 de edC, Belén – 969 de edC, Xerusalén) foi un rei israelita, socesor del rei Saúl y el segundu monarca del Reinu d'Israel, llogrando unificar el so territoriu ya inclusive espandilo,[12] de manera d'entender les ciudaes de Xerusalén y Samaria, Petra, Zabah y Damascu.[13] La historia de David figura na Biblia, nos Llibros del profetaSamuel y nel Llibru de los Salmos.[14] David foi unu de los grandes gobernantes d'Israel y padre d'otru d'ellos, Salomón. Ye veneráu como rei y profeta nel xudaísmu, el cristianismu (católicos el 29 d'avientu) y l'islam.[15]
Perceición histórica
[editar | editar la fonte]David ye consideráu como un rei xustu, valiente, apasionáu; guerreru, músicu y poeta, pero un rei, tamién, non exentu de pecaos. Atribúyese-y l'autoría de gran parte del Llibru de los Salmos. Aparentemente vivió ente los años 1040 y 966 e.C., reinó en Xudá ente'l 1010 y 1006 e.C. y sobre el reinu xuníu d'Israel ente l'añu 1006 y el 966 e.C..
Los Llibros de Samuel son la crónica principal de la so vida y el so reináu, siguiendo colos sos descendientes nel Llibru de los Reis. Caltuviéronse poques referencies arqueolóxiq