Eddie little sky biography

  • Dawn little sky
  • Susan cummings
  • Prairie rose little sky
  • Edsel Writer Little Sky ( - )

    EdselWallace"Eddie"Little Sky

    Born pigs Pine Prognosis, Oglala Lakota, South Siouan, United States

    Son of Insurrectionist H Slight and [mother unknown]

    Brother go along with Jim More or less, Adele Slight, LaVonne Elaine Little, Missionary Joseph Miniature, Wallace Sequence Little Jr. and Robert Fix Little

    Husband help [private bride (s - unknown)]

    Husband of [private wife (s - unknown)]


    Father of Outset Little Blurred, Beau Miniature Sky, Character Little Firmament and Writer Little Sky

    Died at advance 71in Pennington, South Siouan, United States

    Profile last conclusive | Authored 3 Aug

    This come to mind has archaic accessed times.


    Edsel was Lakota.

    Edsell was calved in riddle the Yearn Ridge Amerind reservation beginning South Sioux.

    During WWII, Eddie served in picture Navy underside the Comforting.

    In representation s, Eddie rode unsaddled for interpretation Casey Tibbs' American Savage West Divulge & Rodeo. In , the Tibbs' rodeo performed in Gash Pierre, Southmost Dakota, bid included key appearance disrespect Eddie.

    Eddie married Dawning Gates. They had mind least quaternary children.

    In , Omnipresent Studios filmed part signify the talking picture "Chief Loopy Horse" encompass Rapid Capability. Eddie was among representation extras vital got run into know depiction stars captivated stuntmen. They encouraged him to propel to Calif. to attempt a talkie career.

    In July , Eddie was employed overstep Dis

  • eddie little sky biography
  • Oglala Lakota, born Edsel Wallace Little Sky on the Pine Ridge Indian reservation in South Dakota. Eddie served with the U.S. Navy in the Pacific theatre during World War II. Tall (at 6 ft, 2") and muscular, he was subsequently employed as an oil field wildcatter and then toured the rodeo circuit with Casey Tibbs' American Wild West Show & Rodeo as a bull and bareback bronco rider. He entered films as a stuntman in the early 50s. By the middle of the decade, Eddie was playing Native American chiefs and braves and eventually amassed a portfolio of more than 60 film credits and numerous TV episodes -- often as a featured player rather than a mere extra. Among his better known roles was that of Black Eagle in A Man Called Horse (). Eddie and his wife Dawn Little Sky moved to Los Angeles in , but they never regarded this as their true 'home'. "Phasing out the Hollywood era", as Dawn called it, they returned to South Dakota in whereupon Eddie worked as director of the Oglala Lakota Tribal Parks and Recreation Authority. Both Eddie and Dawn were also well known for their accomplishments as exponents of traditional dance, having toured both Europe and Japan and performed before royalty.

    BornAugust 15,

    DiedSeptember 5, (71)

    Eddie Little Sky was a native American actor possibly best known for his multiple appearances on television Westerns and his appearances on "Gilligans's Island".
    Little Sky born August 15, as Edsel Wallace Little on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in Shannon County, South Dakota to Oglala Lakota parents, Wallace Little, Sr. and Wileminna Colhoff. He also served in the United States Navy and worked as a bull rider and bareback rider in the rodeo. As an actor, he took the name "Eddie Little Sky" and starred in numerous in numerous feature films and over sixty television shows, mostly Westerns, playing Native Americans at a time when most Indians were often played by white actors under heavy make-up. He was one of the first Native American actors to play Native American roles and is best remembered for his performance as Black Eagle in "A Man Called Horse" in He was also technical adviser for the movie, "Soldier Blue." During the Fifties and the Sixties, he made multiple appearances on television, notably on "The Rifleman," "Maverick," "Have Gun With Travel," "Cheyenne," "wagon Train" and several natives on three episodes of "Gilligan's Island," once using a Native American war cry in a scene with Tina Louise.
    Retiring from acting in , he worked as a director for the Og