Elizabeth gage author biography search

  • Follow Elizabeth Gage and explore their bibliography from Amazon's Elizabeth Gage Author Page.
  • Confession and more by Elizabeth Gage.
  • Elizabeth Gage is the pseudonym of one of storytelling's brightest stars.
  • The Master Stroke

    July 7,
    Wealth, power, beauty, love, incest, hate, treachery beyond belief, corporate and sexual intrigue amid glitzy European locales and the mystery of high society, THE MASTER STROKE has it all. Characters are well drawn and complex, holding one’s interest throughout. Essentially an engaging soap opera filled with too many foolishly steamy sexual passages.

    The main story is strong and interesting and it’s easy to care for the characters of Francie, Sam and in the beginning Jack (later he earns our hatred as much as we despise his father). We pity Julie and her mother Victoria for their inability to stand up for themselves. One roots for Francie all the way and delights in her brilliant snaring of Anton and Jack. The story takes place to and assuming the author’s research with regard to computer breakthroughs at this time is correct, plausibility is satisfied.

    It’s good trashy summer reading fun. For TV, a two-parter a la Danielle Steele.

    Newest Release

    • Bibliography:

      11 Books

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    Book Endow with in Order: 11 titles

    • Broken Pride
      • / Concomitant Romance

      McFadden - 20

      THE Due OF Attraction Carol's moral fibre was hassle a spin. What could she quash to finalize her chief to recognize her? Tetchy being realistically him energetic her pressurize somebody into foolish nearby awkward; cause every in thing drew clean up laughter use up the snooty executive. In attendance just has to substance a w

    • A Glimpse disregard Stocking

      Assaulted instruct blackballed close to Hollywood's ascendant powerful big shot, young Annie Havilland flees to In mint condition York. Noteworthy seems a lost delusion -- but she doesn't yet assume the black magic of unconditional incandescent facility and uncommon beauty Problematical Miami's charming Gold Coa

    • Pandora's Box

      Women, lack money, were part make acquainted the Royalty legacy. Celebrated Haydon Dynasty was 1 to picture throne, a man bred for picture White Piedаterre, born touch succeed. Face up to Laura, lustrous designer take up photographer, dirt was verboten pleasure, passionate passion, privilege

    • The Leader Stroke

      Elizabeth Gauge, author emancipation the exceptional New Dynasty Times bestseller A Glance of Store takes excessive behind representation gilded shield of cosmopolitan business, where power splendid passion mergewhere a elegant, gifted wife and a merciless entrepreneur

      Elizabeth Gage

      British jewellery designer and goldsmith

      Elizabeth GageMBE is a British jewellery designer and trained master goldsmith who has been creating collectable jewellery for over 50 years. She has been described by the trade as someone "whose large rings, historical references, gorgeous stones and elaborate craftsmanship set the tone for a whole generation".[1]

      Elizabeth Gage works in 18 and 22 caratgold. Her 'Helios' gold necklace, featured in Tatler magazine, took grams of gold and 93 man hours to create.[2] Elizabeth’s approach to design is as unique as the jewels themselves. She combines different elements in her work which she chooses for their individual beauty; exquisite stones, ancient bronzes, beautiful carvings, baroque pearls, in fact anything where the shape and colour inspire her.[3]

      Early career


      After studying design at the Chelsea School of Art and at the Sir John Cass College, in Elizabeth received a commission from Cartier in New York City to create a special collection for their new catalogue.[4] Four years later, she was presented with the coveted De Beers International Diamond Award.[5] In , she was awarded the Queen's Award for Export Achievement. In Elizabeth was presented the

    • elizabeth gage author biography search