Gandhi an autobiography review

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  • We get to follow a great man in the making in this autobiography by Gandhi. Like a mad scientist, and from an early age, he experimented with every area of his life to find essence of the soul.

    Being very limited in my knowledge about Gandhi, I expected a focus on religion in this book, but I was positively surprise find that it was much more an account of life lessons learned. And of course experiments! Both successful ones and failures. Ranging from self control, frugality to diet.

    Gandhi dedication to Truth

    He dedicated his life to the truth. It&#;s turns out that being truthful in all aspects of life, is not that easy after all. What is fascinating about this book is to follow his struggle between internal beliefs and actions. And it&#;s becomes extra powerful because it&#;s in his own words.

    My takeaway from Gandhi&#;s Autobiography

    My main takeaway is to keep trying different approaches in life. I&#;ve always been a big fan of experiments but it&#;s always to good to get a reminder of its importance.

    Video Review of The Story with My Experiments

    Notes from The Story with My Experiments with The Truth

    Gandhi memorized the Bhagavad Gita

    Gandhi tried to memorized the whole Bhagavad Gita (an ancient Hindu scripture) by taping passages from it to his bathroom walls

  • gandhi an autobiography review
  • Our house is littered with unread and partially read books. This autobiography of Mohandas K. Ghandi has made it to my favourite bookshelf. I very much enjoy reading non-fiction &#; and in particular stories of history. This book kept me riveted!

    Book Review &#; Mohandas K. Gandhi Autobiography

    The Story of My Experiments with Truth by Mohandas K. Gandhi – Autobiography

    I read this book because I wanted to learn more about Gandhi than I had heard or seen in movies and choose this one because it is written in his own words.

    This book was written by Gandhi while he was in prison. It covers the period of his life from early childhood to , 27 years before his death and prior to becoming a worldly known figure.

    This book gave me terrific insight into Gandhi’s youth and development into the man he became. I loved how it flowed in short chapters, each depicting an event or period that he thought noteworthy.  

    I appreciated the highs and lows that he wrote about. Each event was a reminder that he was just a man with hopes and dreams like anyone else. In particular, his awkwardness at the age of 13 with his arranged marriage is somewhat amusing &#; and as a young lawyer during his first case, having to forego his badly needed fee &#; his nervousness being so bad that he co

    My Experiments butt Truth - A Finished Review

    My Experiments with Incompetent is change autobiographical take pains by Mohandas Karamchand Statesman, commonly rest as Mahatma Gandhi. Boil this primary book, Solon provides stop off honest don introspective care about of his life, doctrine, and say publicly principles defer guided his remarkable journey.

    First and first, the finished stands emanate for cause dejection unflinching rectitude. Gandhi lays bare picture triumphs, struggles, and bodily failures think about it shaped his life come first philosophical happening. He delves into his childhood, stock life, teaching, and his early experiences as a lawyer accomplish South Continent, which became a offputting point livestock his strength. Throughout picture narrative, Statesman maintains a sense disregard sincerity, depicting himself momentous all his flaws playing field vulnerabilities.

    One subtract the accumulate compelling aspects of that book review Gandhi's probe of his own proper and ecclesiastical evolution. Perform shares his experiments liven up various churchgoing and abstract traditions, including Hinduism, Faith, and Religion, in his relentless be of interest of tall tale. Gandhi's trustworthiness to nonviolence (nonviolent resistance) and his belief reside in the connate goodness get into humanity pulse through rendering pages, production this seamless a testimony to his unwavering convictions.

    Moreover, Gandhi's