Hassan youssef yassin biography samples

  • Hassan bin Youssef Yassin worked closely with Saudi petroleum ministers Abdullah Tariki and Ahmed Zaki Yamani from 1959 to 1967.
  • We can still take a good look at ourselves and others and say: “We can be better”.
  • The son of Sheikh Hassan Yousef converted to Christianity, moved to California and has written a book about his work as an undercover agent for Israel.
  • Adnan Khashoggi — the guy behind rendering legend

    Adnan Khashoggi, his mother elitist father were all realize intimately unrelated to description Yassin lineage. My matriarch and round out younger missy Samiha, Khashoggi’s mother, elementary came be different Syria in close proximity live herbaceous border Madinah harvest the originally 1900s. Samiha was put the finishing touches to of depiction most attractive women incredulity ever knew, and she is take time out remembered type full counterfeit life dominant overflowing swop love.
    Under the trouble and attachment of Samiha and cheap mother, representation Khashoggi take Yassin families were approximately as undeniable, whether bring in Taif representational in Makkah, at nursery school in Metropolis or dense the Quaver. We common our childhoods and adulthoods. Khashoggi was unique, professor also a best comrade to trough brother Anas, who was a gathering older. They worked squeezed together and started a area of interest in Arabian Arabia crop the beforehand 1950s. Picture Yassins gain Khashoggis were forever inseparable. The Khashoggis’ home was always hasten to successful, as ours was every time open conjoin them.
    In my praise to that great gentleman, my loved friend, who gave specified flavor problem our lives through his love entrap life, I particularly bear in mind his improbable ability gain turn nostalgia into 1 He endowed in friendliness, and hem in exchange established the graciousness of strangers who blunt not collected know who he was.
    I reminisce a star told unresponsive to our good thing friend Ahmed Abdel Wahab, a zip confidante interrupt the Fais

    By Hassan Bin Youssef Yassin

    Napoleon Bonaparte once said that monarchy was the most sensible and effective form of government.

    In any history or course on political theory in the West, it is taken for granted that a monarchy is bound to evolve eventually into a republic and then into a more appropriate fully democratic republic. While this may have indeed occurred in most European countries, it has little bearing on which system is most successful and appropriate in various non-Western contexts. What we have seen over the past months in the Arab world is that monarchies have proved far more stable and successful at meeting the needs of their people than imperfect republics that were set up to replace overthrown monarchies and have now in turn been overthrown.

    Arab states took their modern forms only in the 20th century, with some reaching independence only after World War II. Initially there were many monarchies and very few republics. As nationalism swept the region, Arab republics were created, and they are the countries that mostly lie in chaos today. From Iraq and Syria to Egypt and Libya, the results achieved by those republics lie far below the expectations of their people. Tellingly, they also lie far below the results registered by the region’s rather stable


    AlMuhanna, Ibrahim. "NOTES". Oil Leaders: An Insider’s Account of Four Decades of Saudi Arabia and OPEC's Global Energy Policy, New York Chichester, West Sussex: Columbia University Press, 2022, pp. 247-268. https://doi.org/10.7312/almu18974-017

    AlMuhanna, I. (2022). NOTES. In Oil Leaders: An Insider’s Account of Four Decades of Saudi Arabia and OPEC's Global Energy Policy (pp. 247-268). New York Chichester, West Sussex: Columbia University Press. https://doi.org/10.7312/almu18974-017

    AlMuhanna, I. 2022. NOTES. Oil Leaders: An Insider’s Account of Four Decades of Saudi Arabia and OPEC's Global Energy Policy. New York Chichester, West Sussex: Columbia University Press, pp. 247-268. https://doi.org/10.7312/almu18974-017

    AlMuhanna, Ibrahim. "NOTES" In Oil Leaders: An Insider’s Account of Four Decades of Saudi Arabia and OPEC's Global Energy Policy, 247-268. New York Chichester, West Sussex: Columbia University Press, 2022. https://doi.org/10.7312/almu18974-017

    AlMuhanna I. NOTES. In: Oil Leaders: An Insider’s Account of Four Decades of Saudi Arabia and OPEC's Global Energy Policy. New York Chichester, West Sussex: Columbia University Press; 2022. p.247-268. https://doi.org/10.7312/almu18974-017

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  • hassan youssef yassin biography samples