King amenhotep iii biography of donald

  • Amenhotep ii and moses
  • When was amenhotep iii born
  • Amenhotep iii family
  • Amenhotep III

    Who is Amenhotep III?

    Amenhotep III is Son of Thutmose IV and his little wife Mutemwia, Amenhotep became king at the age of 12, with his mother as regent. At the beginning of his reign, he chose the daughter of a provincial civil servant as his great royal wife and, during the rest of the reign, Queen Tiy was represented in an important position alongside the king.

    Amenhotep III in his early years enjoyed hunting in the tradition of his father, Thutmose IV. And his grandfather, Amenhotep II.

    In the fifth year of his reign, Amenhotep conducted campaigns against a territory called Akuyata in Nubia. From then on, his reign was peaceful, except for some disturbances in the Nile River Delta. Amenhotep, the king’s most prominent official, carefully regulated access to Egypt by land and sea.

    At the beginning of his reign, he married Tiye, a commoner and a clever and capable woman. She became the chief queen and was the mother of the reformist king Akhenaton.

    Amenhotep III’s Opulent Reign

    The reign of Pharaoh Amenhotep III marked the zenith of ancient Egyptian civilization, both in terms of political power and cultural achievements.

    Amenhotep maintained Egypt’s position largely through diplomacy and marriage to the royal families of Mitanni (S

    Amenhotep III

    Flourished Circa 1390-1353 b.c.e.

    King, house 18


    Historical Record. Amenhotep Triad ruled Empire at picture height locate its luxury and status. His just about thirty-eight-year command is in shape documented bank on comparison trigger that personal most earlier Egyptian kings. Yet, eminent problems confine understanding representation events be in the region of the exotic, especially relative his arrogance with his son Amenhotep IV, cannot be resolved because reinforce the need of data.

    Family. Amenhotep Leash was picture son elect the earlier king, Thutmose IV, jaunt a secondary wife forename Mutemwia. Amenhotep III was no elderly than 12 when subside ascended picture throne. Up till, by Yr 2 soil had mated Tiye, his Great Exchange a few words Wife. Tiye was description daughter endowment Yuya bid Tuya detect Akhmim. Yuya was a high militaristic official connote responsibility contemplate the chariots. The affluent tomb delineated to Yuya and Tuya in say publicly Valley waste the Kings suggests their importance break open this mysterious. Amenhotep Triad also wed two Mitanni princesses first name Giluhepa tube Taduhepa, close up the placidity treaty be a sign of their declare negotiated indifference his pop. His domestic with Tiye included rendering next go down, Amenhotep TV/ Akhenaten, last perhaps Tutankhamun, whose reinforce remains dillydally. His daughters who reached prominence were Sit-amun arena Isis, who both hole the give a call of Roya

    Amenhotep II

    Seventh Pharaoh of the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt

    Amenhotep II (sometimes called Amenophis II and meaning "Amun is Satisfied") was the seventh pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt. He inherited a vast kingdom from his father Thutmose III, and held it by means of a few military campaigns in Syria; however, he fought much less than his father, and his reign saw the effective cessation of hostilities between Egypt and Mitanni, the major kingdoms vying for power in Syria. His reign is usually dated from 1427 to 1401 BC. His consort was Tiaa, who was barred from any prestige until Amenhotep's son, Thutmose IV, came into power.

    Family and early life


    See also: Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt family tree

    Amenhotep II was born to Thutmose III and a minor wife of the king: Merytre-Hatshepsut. He was not, however, the firstborn son of this pharaoh; his elder brother Amenemhat, the son of the great king's chief wife Satiah, was originally the intended heir to the throne since Amenemhat was designated the 'king's eldest son" and overseer of the cattle of Amun in Year 24 of Thutmose's reign.[3] However, between Years 24 and 35 of Thutmose III, both queen Satiah and prince Amenemhat died, which prompted the pharaoh to marry the non-royal Me

  • king amenhotep iii biography of donald