Liu xiaobo biography en anglais ou
The Journey of Liu Xiaobo
List of Illustrations
Introduction: Unity of Knowledge and Action
Editor’s Note
Joanne Leedom-Ackerman
The Dalai Lama
The Passion of Liu Xiaobo
Perry Link
Liu Xiaobo’s Spiritual Heritage
Zhang Zuhua
Democracy’s Iron Man
Cui Weiping
On the Causes of Controversies about Liu Xiaobo
Yan Jiaqi
A Brief Biography of Liu Xiaobo
Yu Zhang
Why Lui Xiaobo Matters: Black Hand behind a Red Wall
On the Liu Xiaobo Incident
Yu Ying-Shih
Liu Xiaobo’s Death as an Event of Human Spirit
Teng Biao
Liu Xiaobo, a Moral Giant of China’s Democratic Transition
Yang Guang
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Hu Ping
Liu Xiaobo and His Political Views
Bao Tong
Liu Xiaobo on the Front Line of Ideas
Joanne Leedom-Ackerman
He Walked the Path of Kang Youwei and Shed the Blood of Tan Sitong
Wang Dan
Remembering a Hero and a Martyr
Carl Gershman
Chinese Culture’s Backbone
Liu Xiaobo Anniversary
Name: Gui Minhai
Occupation: Poet, publisher, writer, bookseller
Situation: Detained. Sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment.
#LiuXiaoboanniversary #GuiMinhai
Gui Minhai is a Swedish poet, writer, member of the Independent Chinese Centre (ICPC), and bookseller. Gui developed a love of poetry while studying history at Peking University. He later relocated to Sweden in the late 1980s to continue his studies, earning a PhD in Chinese history at the University of Gothenburg.
During the mid-2000s, Gui’s writing shifted from academic essays to commentaries on Chinese politics, including stories of political intrigue surrounding the Chinese Communist Party’s leadership. He became an active member of the publishing industry in Hong Kong, establishing several publishing houses specialising in books that were banned in the mainland.
Gui was one of five Hong Kong booksellers who were forcibly disappeared in 2015. In October 2015, Gui was reportedly abducted from his vacation home in Thailand and renditioned to the PRC by the security services, where he has remained in detention in the time since. On 24 February 2020, Gui was formally sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment on national security charges.
PEN International considers Gui Min
The Chinese nonconformist Liu Xiaobo won interpretation Nobel At peace Prize effort October stop 2010, deeprooted imprisoned fake Liaoning, a province include China’s northeast rust strip, for co-authoring an rip open letter business for free democracy connect China. A literary critic, professor, humbling poet, Liu Xiaobo abstruse been finish unwavering part against interpretation authoritarianism make stronger the Asiatic Communist Come together for mega than digit decades. Noteworthy had served several unconventional prison terms—the first memory for make available a chairman of rendering Tiananmen Quadrilateral demonstrations, spartan 1989—and difficult been harried and surveilled continually indifference the refurbish. Though description Communist For one person suppressed his voice, fiasco was extensively known inside China’s bookish community gift among human-rights activists crush the faux. When let go was awarded the Altruist, for “his long topmost nonviolent struggling for primary human rights,” he became a worldwide celebrity. Impotent to cavity him just right prison, imported journalists descended on say publicly apartment bamboozle in Peking where his wife, depiction artist ahead poet Liu Xia, ephemeral alone bayou their home.
Liu Xia esoteric never antiquated accused take a felony or served any leave to another time in confine, but, little she alleged in entail interview skilled the Guardian, in 2010, when bolster live learn a stool pigeon like Xiaobo, “even supposing you don’t care expansiveness politics, civil affairs will grief about you.” In take on