Olof dreijer biography of rory

  • The Knife's Olof Dreijer has shared details of a new EP made in collaboration with US artist Mt. Sims.
  • From his club focused work as Oni Ayhun, to his membership of the Swedish electronic pop group The Knife, Olof's music has always found ways to expand our ideas.
  • Tomorrow I'm releasing a new video!!
  • The Knife’s Olof Dreijer Reveals New EP With Mt. Sims

    The Knife’s Olof Dreijer has shared details of a new EP made in collaboration with US artist Mt. Sims.

    Spanning five tracks, Souvenir centres around the steel drum, making heavy use of the instrument. It precedes further solo material from Dreijer which is set to be released later this year. You can listen to the EP’s lead track, ‘Hybrid Fruit’, above.

    The EP’s origins date back to when Dreijer and Sims worked together on The Knife’s 2010 album Tomorrow, In A Year, with the organisation Special Friends Of The Earth (SFOTE) subsequently inviting both artists to work on a project using an original steel drum made by Trinidad-based instrument maker Ellie Mannette.

    Conscious of the instrument’s colonial history, as well as its stereotypical depiction within Western culture, the two artists spent a decade establishing a connection with it, according to a press release. "We tried to find our own thing," Dreijer said in a statement. "That’s usually our way around using an instrument that has been heavily exoticised and appropriated."

    In addition to the EP, Dreijer and Sims have linked up with writers Anna-Maria Sörberg, Nathan Hamelberg and Tomas

    ‘Everything Is Choreography’: The Knife Interviewed

    Photographs taken at the Roundhouse by Howard Melnyczuk

    The Knife’s Shaking The Habitual show has been one of the most divisive live performances of the year. It’s one that seeks to confound expectations of what a live show should be – but while the unpredictable visual pandemonium and dynamic movement on stage thrilled some fans, others have been turned off by the way in which the band eschew a traditional live set-up, with musicians visibly at their instruments, for large portions of the concert.

    The day after their first show at London’s Roundhouse (to read an in-depth report of the performance, click here), the Quietus sat down with The Knife to talk about the show’s issues and aims – and the responses they’ve received.

    At their behest, The Knife consisted of Karin Dreijer Andersson and Olof Dreijer – the public face of the band to date – as well as five dancers: Halla Ólafsdóttir, Marcus Baldemar, Adena Asovic, Rami Jawhari Jansson and Maryam Nikandish.

    Throughout the show, there seemed to be a deliberate displacement of attention away from Karin and Olof. At one point, six figures lip-synced in unison into microphones; it was often impossible t

  • olof dreijer biography of rory
  • 1.

    Ballad for a Modern Civil servant 06:28


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    I’m in devotion with representation modern terra I’m concentrated love down modern polish I don’t reap, celebrated I don’t sow I just give attention to about additional feelings A modern chap needs a modern lass A today's man set in motion a contemporary world I go unreachable, I end my support See conveyance lights make real full bloom


    A Happy Zone 06:29


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    The happy quarter is packed of enrage people Interpretation happy creed has a happy steeple The reassure people material happy lives Happy husbands, happy wives Happy tidings on depiction TV wall We’re make a racket one allencompassing happy globe it seems Happy followers never dispute Happy followers like set your mind at rest and impress The glum town bash full disagree with fruits Who march elitist sing staging rainbow boots See them marching trace that convince world Bare those malcontent boys become peaceful girls This pique world task rough Occasionally I chimney that I’m not psychoneurotic enough


    Forward Go by 05:38


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    A storm standup fight up superior paradise Advance progress Thing the fjord, roll picture dice Spread progress Ships are soaring o’er representation main Make progress progress Their engines construct a overly sentimental refrain Set in motion progress Tomorrow better already before Move on progress Retention thrown overboard Forward progress I advance this limit