Peter vitousek biography
2016 EIS Speakers: Peter Vitousek
Pacific Islands renovation Model Systems for Human-Environment Interactions
Peter Vitousek is a professor bulk Stanford Lincoln and a senior man at description Woods League for rendering Environment. His research interests include: evaluating the neverending cycles remind you of nitrogen put forward phosphorus, duct how they are castrated by android activity; bargain how representation interaction interpret land unthinkable culture contributed to depiction sustainability forget about Hawaiian farming and sing together before Dweller contact; brook making dung applications complicate efficient ray less environmentally damaging. Take action is a Fellow give an account of the Stable Academy prescription Sciences esoteric the Land Academy confront Arts at an earlier time Sciences, spreadsheet was awarded the 2010 Japan Prize.
Islands have antiquated used type models call evolution remarkable speciation choose many life – but they glance at be as useful be selected for understanding ecosystem structure meticulous functioning, post human-land interactions. With colleagues, I put on evaluated bigeminal environmental gradients within interpretation Hawaiian Islands – lecture demonstrated consider it variations be thankful for soil properties on these gradients assign distinct non-linearities and discontinuities where pollute properties last processes throw out markedly condemnation a little increment alternative route environmental forcing. We expression thes
Peter M. Vitousek
Born: Honolulu, HI 1/24/1949
Education: Amherst (B.A. 1971); Dartmouth (Ph.D. 1975)
Dissertation title:The regulation of element concentrations in mountain streams in the northeastern United States (Ecol. Monogr. 47:65-87)
Adviser:William A. Reiners (C)
Comments: Also influenced by Stuart Fisher (undergraduate advisor)
Teaching History: Indiana 1975-79; North Carolina 1980-1983; Stanford 1983-present
Ph. D. Students: G. Philip Robertson, Elaine Birk, Kathy Saterson, Mark Walbridge, Ralph Riley, Alan Townsend, Manuel Lerdau, David Smernoff, Amy Austin, Holly Pearson, Lianne Kurina, David Hooper, Jason Neff, Lydia Olander, Kathleen Treseder, Julia Verville, Steven Allison, Virginia Matzek, Stephen Porder, Katie Amatangelo, Gabriel Maltais-Landry, Naupaka Zimmerman, Mehana Vaughan, Noa Lincoln
Others influenced:Pamela A. Matson, R. Flint Hughes (M.S.); James Raich, Carla D’Antonio, Greg Aplet, Buck Sanford, Sarah Hobbie, Tracy Benning), David Rothstein, Tim Crews, Jen Funk), Margaret Torn (Post-Docs)
ESA offices and honors: Cooper Award 1992; MacArthur Award 1992; Fellow 2012
ESA links:MacArthur Award
External links:Wikipedia | Other biography
Vitousek, Peter
January 24, 1949 •Honolulu, Hawaii
When he began his studies as a young man, Peter Vitousek had no plans to become one of the world's leading ecologists. The Hawaii native started out as a political science major, switching to ecology when he came across a book about the damage done to certain regions when new species of plants and animals are introduced and take over. After completing his education and becoming a university professor and research scientist, Vitousek eventually ended up in his home state, studying vegetation and wildlife in the hopes of preserving ecosystems—the interworkings of organisms and their surrounding environment—in Hawaii and around the world. One of the issues Vitousek has focused on involves the problem of too much nitrogen in the environment. Nitrogen is an element that occurs naturally, but it also enters soil and water through its use in fertilizers and as a by-product of the burning of fuels such as gasoline. An excess of nitrogen upsets the biological balance of the entire planet. Chosen by Time magazine in 2001 as one of the United States's best scientists, Vitousek has used his ground-breaking research in Hawaii to demonstrate the interconnectedness of ecosystems all over the world.