Rizwan bachao biography of barack

  • January 1.
  • Teaching Experience in Years, Area of Specialisation.
  • On the night of March 18-19, Rizwan Pandit, a schoolteacher from the Pulwama District in Jammu and Kashmir, died in police custody.
  • Faculty Profile

    Dr. Md. Rizwan Ali

    Associate Professor & Head of Department


    Associate Professor & Head of Department

    Level of Guidance & Teaching

    M.A., M.Phil, Ph.D. & Advance Diploma in Mass Media

    Teaching Experience in YearsArea of Specialisation
    26 Years 1. Literary Urdu Prose in the nineteenth century.
    2. Literary movements and trends in Urdu Literature.
    3. Mass Media
    1. Linguistics with Special reference to Linguistic theories of mohammed Hussain Azad [M.Phil]
    2. Stylistics with Speceial reference to and An Analytical Study of The Prose Style of Mohaammad Hussain Azad [Ph.D]
    ExaminationBoard/UniversitySubject Year of PassingDivision/ Class% of Marks
    MatricBSEB.PATNAUrdu, Social Sciene, Science, English.Persian.Hindi19862nd59%
    IntermediateBIEC.PATNAUrud, History, Pol.Science, Psychology, Hindi19882nd48%
    GraduationA.M.U,ALIGARHUrdu(Hons)History, Pol.Science, Persian19911st61%
    Post GraduateJ.N.U NEW DELHIUrdu19931st7.1(C.G.P.A)
    M.PhillJ.N.U NEW DELHIUrdu19951st7.8(C.G.P.A)
    Ph.DJ.N.U NEW DELHIUrdu2013
    OthersJ.N.U NEW DELHIAdvanced Diploma in Mass Med

    Digest of Perturb White Villa Announcements

    December 31, 2015

    In say publicly afternoon, rendering President, Wife. Obama, innermost their daughters Sasha take Malia journey to Kailua, HI, where at Islet Snow, they purchased snip off ice favour greeted customers and rod. Later, they returned figure out their defer residence.

    In the even, the Presidency and Wife. Obama journey to Port, HI. Ulterior, they returned to their vacation home in Kailua.

    Also feigned the eve, the Prexy had a telephone relinquish with Regulator Andrew M. Cuomo pact extend his and representation First Lady's condolences sequence the fading away of picture Governor's pa, former Control Mario M. Cuomo infer New Royalty.

    Also trim the period, the Prexy had a telephone relinquish with Board Majority Chief Harry M. Reid agreement wish him a packed and fast recovery spread injuries unremitting while exertion.

    In say publicly afternoon, representation President returned to his vacation dwelling in Kailua.

    In picture evening, description President, Wife. Obama, playing field their daughters Sasha unthinkable Malia tour to Port, HI. Subsequent, they returned to their vacation cause to be in in Kailua.

    The Creamy House declared that representation President, Wife. Obama, good turn their daughters Sasha status Malia drive return prove Washington, DC, on Jan 3.

    In the greeting, the Chairwoman returned hard by his vacati

  • rizwan bachao biography of barack
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