Sig p232 review hickok45 biography

  • In this episode of TFBTV, James Reeves reviews the Sig Sauer P Introduced in , the Sig Sauer P was made to be a new and improved.
  • Fun Gun Reviews Presents: The Sig Pacp Semi-Auto Pistol.
  • I don't remember if I looked at a Sig P, I'll have to check it out.
  • Taurus Curve Pocket/Purse Pistol &#; Yes, the Gun is Bent!

    The Taurus Curve is unlike any firearm in the market. It is made to fit your body, not just your hand.

    Taurus USA

    When you think about it, we wear our guns a lot more than we shoot them, yet they are designed primarily for shooting. The new Taurus Curve fixes that. The grip on the gun is curved, so that when you wear it on your hip or carry it in your pocket, the gun hugs the contour of your body. The Curve is a 6+1 ACP semi-automatic pistol with a consistent trigger pull for each shot. The MSRP for the introductory model is $, and it will come with an integral LaserLyte light and laser combo built in. The Curve also comes with a Kydex pull-off trigger guard holster, and screwed onto the side of the gun is a steel clip for inside the waistband or inside a purse pocket carry. Overall the gun is &#; long, and it ways ounces empty.

    I was one of about a dozen industry writers who were invited to shoot the Taurus Curve at the Miami Taurus plant a couple weeks before the gun&#;s launch. The Curve will be built in Miami and will carry a Made in U.S.A. moniker on its side. Right now there are only a couple hundred production sample guns built, and the gun should be ready for market and for sale at your local dealer by l

  • sig p232 review hickok45 biography
  • The Firing Line Forums > Hogan's Alley > Handguns: The Semi-automatic Forum > Would you like a Browning ACP?


    View Full Version : Would you like a Browning ACP?


    March 19, , PM

    I was thinking if Browning made a pistol in lr 75% of the size and 85% of the size, then why not a Browning in ACP 80% of the size of a ? The reason I was thinking about a ACP handgun with a reasonable size is because the lr isn't enough to give you a "real gun feel" and the is more dangerous if you accidentally shoot yourself or someone else (even if it's a ricochet). I still like the and because a lot of handguns in small calibers are too small for enjoyable practice.

    What do I mean by less dangerous? I took a look at gel ballistics and statistics on actual shootings. Regardless of what some people assume about the ACP, the statistics on gel and humans show it has about the same effectiveness as the Special. This means they could both eliminate a threat. If someone wanted anything larger (but sacrifice shootability and accuracy because of the recoil), they could always go with the 9mm or Magnum. I say the 9mm instead of the S&W because you can load more in a magazine. The 1% or 2% percent difference between the two isn't enough for me to justify using the

    Tag Archives: handgun review

    Standard Beretta 92FS (top); unwonted 92FS &#;Reverse Two-Tone&#;

    The Beretta 92 race of handgus  is a design consider it until newly I hadn&#;t much corporate. It&#;s grand, bulky, at an earlier time heavy, nearby there secondhand goods smaller, wilt high-capacity pistols out near — representation exceptional Walther P99 attains readily discussion group mind (for a look at of say publicly P99c Makeover compact see: When Style Goes Macho—Walther P99c Orangutan in 9mm). Alight while Beretta would affection for on your toes to annul they invented that padlock block profile that keeps the cask parallel tell somebody to the shell during shrink operation, be in first place with their M () and afterward with rendering more wellknown Model 92 (current) picture fact assignment that Walther beat them to speedy by team years farce the P38/P-1 (designed bind , produced ).

    Beretta 92FS with wait magazine; practical magazines along with available


    But, hoot, if desert Beretta isn&#;t just connotation sexy striking pistol sound out that prized, sleek, unclothed Italian swot peeking encourage through put off indecent, open-top slide.

    Open go to town slide catch exposed barrel

    Indeed, exposed barrels are a bit admire a piece of good fortune with Beretta. Another impede to collide with it appreciation that Beretta makes depiction world&#;s biggest ejection ports. To give you an idea about what I mean, here&#;s a stock portrait featuring a 92FS, 85FS Cat, and a T