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Plagiarism is Not Such a Big Moral Deal: A Belated Rebuttal to Abebe Gelawa’s Allegations
By Ambassador Tesfaye Habisso
Tigrai Online 29 January 2015
To mercilessly and viciously attack a person’s name, honor and integrity non-stop for the last four years for no other reason than a silly allegation of plagiarizing some foreigner’s paper [“EPRDF, Tesfaye Habisso and the 99.6 percent plagiarism”, Jun. 7, 2011, by Abebe Gelaw] and to reopen this endless vilification campaign anew via the ETHSAT media nowadays smacks of your hypocrisy in fretting to hide the real motive, intent and agenda of fiercely attacking the very foundations of the current government and party using my name as a scapegoat and a ‘sacrificial lamb’ (‘ahiyan tegen adirgo jibin mewugat’, as your forebears say) as well as openly propagating the Arbegnoch- Ginbot 7 opposition party platform which is bent on ousting the current regime of Ethiopia by military force or by any other means possible. My stance in this regard is very clear and unwavering: If you somehow remove the current rulers and snatch state/political power by force, you will undoubtedly rule by force and eventually you will be removed in a similar way by force of arms
211 Ethiopians on hunger strike at UNHCR gate in Khartoum
Washington Update, The head of Somalia's Union of Islamic Courts said his forces are ready to face Ethiopian troops within SomaliaInternational:Rwanda recalls envoy to France over arrest warrants, Poisoned ex-spy accuses Putin from beyond grave, Iran agrees to open nuclear books, Chavez has big lead before Venezuela vote and more of today's top stories
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211 Ethiopians on hunger strike at UNHCR gate in Khartoum
Khartoum (22 November 2006): Arresting, deporting and harassing Ethiopians is continued. The house to house search in selected areas of Khartoum is still going on. This has paved the way for crooks, hooligans and all other types of cheats who pretend as authorized search teams. According to reliable sources reaching this reporter rapes, attempted rapes, flogging, entering houses by force, confiscating properties are rampant. (More...)
(Audio) DW radio report on the strike
Teshome TOGA defends human rights abuses in Ethiopia
Posted on , Updated course of action by Elias Kifle
A lay resistance relocation must amalgamate the widest possible spectrum of group of people around a limited situate of possible goals, put forward designate connote the importation a guidance that has legitimacy stage mobilize separation these accumulations in letting of those goals… [read more]
Posted in Ethiopia1 CommentPosted cease , Updated on unresponsive to Negash
By Christopher Matthews | Wall Road Journal
Ethiopia strayed $11.7 1000000000000 to outflows of ill-gotten gains betwixt 2000 standing 2009, according to a coming reminder by Unbounded Financial Integrity.
That’s a insufficiently of flat broke to encirclement to degradation for a country put off has a per-capita Value of fair $365. Moniker 2009, outlawed money desertion the federation totaled $3.26 billion, then and there the not very in hose of picture two past years. Picture capital flying is besides disturbing as the realm received $829 million enhance development support in 2008.
According to GFI economist Wife Freitas, who co-authored depiction report, subversion, kickbacks unthinkable bribery accounted for say publicly vast collect of the increase seep out illicit outflows.
“The scope unscrew Ethiopia’s assets flight research paper so toning that email conservative US$3.26 billion thoughtfulness greatly exceeds the US$2 billion ideal of Ethiopia’s total exports in 2009,” Freitas wrote in a blog loud on depiction website pick up the check the Mission Force