Sonali and sumanth new performance enhancing

  • In the video, the duo first introduces themselves as Sumanth and Sonali from Kolkata, India.
  • Sumanth and Sonali from the Bivash Academy of Dance travelled from Kolkata to perform at the premiere of the 15th season of the reality show.
  • Sonali and Sumanth pose with Aneel Murarka, Ayushman Khurana and Poonam Dhillon.
  • India’s Bad Salsa creates magic on America’s Got Talent stage. Watch

    America’s Got Talent (AGT) kicked off season 15 on May 26 with the premiere. This episode and the early weeks of auditions were filmed before the pandemic hit. Several videos of different acts by the contestants are now being shared on the official Facebook page of AGT and one such video has now sparked a wave of applause. It’s a clip that shows magical dance moves from the Indian dancing duo called Bad Salsa.

    Dancers of Bivash Academy of Dance (BAD), the same acronym used in the name of the group, mesmerised the judges and the audiences with their marvellous performance. Previously, they also showcased their awesome moves on the stages of India’s Got Talent and Britain’s Got Talent.

    In the video, the duo first introduces themselves as Sumanth and Sonali from Kolkata, India. Then they start their awesome dance - a combination of salsa and acrobatics. The duo dances to the song Dhating Naach from the film Phata Poster Nikhla Hero and it’s a sight to behold.

    “You’ve never seen anything like what BAD Salsa just did!” reads the caption of the post and there’s a chance that you haven’t.

    Since being shared a few days ago, the video has garnered over million views – and the numbers are still increasing. Wit

  • sonali and sumanth new performance enhancing
  • Get a load of this gal's Chinese splits from the America's Got Talent premiere

    The duo's name is Bad Salsa, but there ain't nothing bad about their style of dance!

    In this exclusive sneak peek from the season 15 premiere of America's Got Talent, the dancing duo of Sumanth Maroju, 21, and Sonali Majumder, 15, bust out some crazy athletic moves for judges Simon Cowell, Howie Mandel, Heidi Klum, and (newbie!) Sofia Vergara. And some of those jumps give Vergara quite the scare. Lots of twirls and jumps follow, along with an incredible sequence of Chinese splits that shows off the duo's strength and mad skills (while making the rest of us wish that Maroju would just slow down a bit as he flips a very limber Majumber).

    Before returning later this month, AGT decided to accept submissions from performers who are sheltered at home due to the coronavirus pandemic. Though the NBC show was able to film audition rounds earlier this spring at the Pasadena Civic Auditorium, it will still consider acts from those stuck in lockdown. Submissions are ongoing at Some online acts could make it to the judge-cut round.

    As usual, the show is expected to feature a huge array of singers, dancers, comedians, impressionists, magicians, and God knows what else this summe

    Shaan And Sonali And Sumanth

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