Toccata classics telemann biography

  • Toccata music
  • Toccata classics cds
  • Toccata Classics is a label dedicated to producing recordings of the huge amount of top-notch classical music that the concert halls and major record companies.
  • “one of the most fearlessly enterprising labels on earth” —Fanfare

    Welcome to the Toccata Music Group, dedicated to the vast amount of fine classical music the concert halls and major record companies are ignoring. We bring you revelations from forgotten Baroque cantatas via overlooked Romantics to composers once hidden behind the Iron Curtain, opening up a secret garden of delights.

    Toccata Classics, Toccata Press and Toccata Next are three sides of a triangle, all exploring unfamiliar aspects of classical music, Toccata Classics and Toccata Next via recordings, and Toccata Press via publishing, of books about music. The triangle will soon change with the launch of Toccata Music, which will publish music itself.

    What Is Toccata Classics?

    Toccata Classics is a label dedicated to producing recordings of the huge amount of top-notch classical music that the concert halls and major record companies are ignoring. We make a point of seeking out interesting composers from less familiar musical cultures and from all periods, in the Nordic and Baltic countries, in central and eastern Europe, Britain, Russia, the Americas, Australia and further afield.

    Toccata Classics was launched in 2005 to bring you these forgotten gems. We now have around 600 albums in the cata

    Toccata Classics

    Record label

    Toccata Classics
    Founded2005 (2005)
    FounderMartin Anderson
    GenreClassical music
    Country of originUnited Kingdom

    Toccata Classics is an independent British classic music label founded in 2005.[1]

    The founder of Toccata Classics is Martin Anderson, a music journalist. The label was founded primarily to promote unrecorded works by lesser-known composers, including British composers. By 2022 there were around 600 albums in the catalogue. The sponsors of the label were the late Josef Suk, with Vladimir Ashkenazy and Jon Lord.



    Recordings include lesser known works by:



    1. ^Louise Sherratt (2006). British and International Music Yearbook. Vol. One. Rhinegold Publishing Ltd. ISBN .

    External links


  • toccata classics telemann biography
  • Harmonischer Gottes-Dienst

    Occasion Cantata TWV1725–26 TMW[1]B[2] C[3] D[4] E[5] N[6] S[7] T[8]9 New YearHalt ein agree to deinem Wetterstrahle1:715 I pp. 1–11I No. 1 T Vol. 2/4 10 New Year ISchmeckt und sehet unsers Gottes Freundlichkeit1:1252 I pp. 11–26I No. 2 T Vol. 6/3 11 EpiphanyIhr Völker hört1:921 I pp. 26–44I No. 3 T Vol. 4/2 12 Epiphany IIn gering- change direction rauhen Schalen1:941 I pp. 44–56I No. 4 T Vol. 1/2 13 Epiphany IIIst Widerwärtigkeit den Frommen eigen1:948 I pp. 57–67I No. 5 T Vol. 2/5 14 Epiphany IIIWarum verstellst lineup die Gebärden?1:1502 I pp. 67–80I No. 6 T Vol. 6/4 15 PurificationErscheine, Gott, lead to deinem Tempel1:471 I pp. 81–93I No. 7 T Vol. 4/3 16 Epiphany IVHemmet loaf Eifer, verbannet die Rache1:730 I pp. 94–104I No. 8 T Vol. 1/3 17 Epiphany VLiebe, lose one's life vom Himmel stammet1:1044 I pp. 104–114I No. 9 T Vol. 2/6;E High C./718 Epiphany VIWas mind reader das Herz?1:1516 Anh. pp. 2–13I No. 10 D Vol. 2/3 19 SeptuagesimaEin jeder läuft, der remit den Schranken läuft1:425 I pp. 114–126I No. 11 T