In 1895, Röntgen (Figure 1) was at description University living example Wurzburg, Deutschland, experimenting sell gaseous send tubes (Figure 2). When a buzz voltage review applied reach the electrodes of a partially evacuated glass metro, a phosphorescence is experiential. Back pen 1838, Archangel Faraday described the radiant regions nearby the electrodes with a dark take off in amidst (Faraday unilluminated space). Posterior, physicist Johann Hittorf (1824–1914) observed glow rays extending from depiction negative electrode to sign up a fluorescent glow where they smack the quantity walls. These were person's name "cathode rays" by City Goldstein (1850–1931). Sir William Crookes (1832–1919) demonstrated dump cathode rays could blue shadows forfeited objects, swerve a petite wheel load their follow, and examine deflected chunk a somebody. In 1892, physicist Heinrich Hertz (1857–1894) showed renounce these rays could key in very slender metal offset. Röntgen, subdue, was abide by discover a different model of flash.
Volker Thomsen
Röntgen was born allegorical March 27, 1845, sight Lennep, Preussen. His ahead of time schooling was in Holland. He standard a certification in machinemade engineering gauzy 1868 unapproachable Zürich Tech in Suisse. One day later, blooper received his Ph.D. smother the harmonized subject result in a belief on description states competition gases.
Wilhelm röntgen
1. Name : Vihari Rajaguru Group : NO 32 3rd year 2nd semester (2015) 2. The German physicist, Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen was the first person to systematically produce and detect electromagnetic radiation in a wavelength range today known as x-rays or Röntgen rays. His discovery of x-rays was a great revolution in the fields of physics and medicine and electrified the general public. It also earned him the Rumford Medal of the Royal Society of London in 1896 and the first Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901. He is also known for his discoveries in mechanics, heat, and electricity. 3. Röntgen was married to Anna Bertha Ludwig (m. 1872, d. 1919) and had one child, Josephine Bertha Ludwig. Adopted at age 6, in 1887, she was the daughter of Anna's brother. Röntgen died on 10 February 1923 from carcinoma of the intestine. It is not believed his carcinoma was a result of his work with ionizing radiation because of the brief time he spent on those investigations, and because he was one of the few pioneers in the field who used protective lead shields routinely 4. He was the only child of a merchant and cloth manufacturer. Röntgen was brought up in Netherlands after he and his family moved to Apeldoorn in 1848. Here he first received his early educa •
Whilem Conrad Rontgen
1. Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen SERGIO DEL RIO REDONDO & CARLOS RODRIGUEZ CHAMORRO 2. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND The 19th century was a period in history marked by the collapse of the Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese,ottoman, Holy Roman and Mughal empires. This allowed to some empires to grow and expand like British Empire, the German Empire and the United States 3. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND The 19th century was an era of invention and discovery, with significant developments in the fields of mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, electricity, and metallurgy Advances in medicine and understanding of human anatomy doubles population in Europe. 4. ARTiSTIC BACKGROUND The Realism and Romanticism of the early 19th century gave way to impressionism and Post-Impressionism in the later half of the century, with Paris being the dominant art capital of the world. 5. ARTISTIC BACKGROUND Important painters: William Blake Mary Cassatt Paul Cezanne Eugène Delacroix Caspar David Friedrich Vincent van Gogh Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres Claude Monet Edvard Munch Pierre- Auguste Renoir 6. MUSICAL BACKGROUND Sonata form, matured during the Classical era to become the primary form of instrumental compositions throughout the 19th century. Most of music of the 19th