Walking away cecil day-lewis poem

  • Walking away cecil day-lewis poetry foundation
  • Cecil day-lewis poems
  • Walking away poem themes
  • Walking Away (Cecil Day-Lewis)

    Walking Away by Cecil Day-Lewis is a poignant poem that reflects on the experience of a parent watching their child grow up and become increasingly independent. The poem uses the metaphor of a father watching his son walk away from him on his first day of school as a symbol of the inevitable separation that occurs as children mature and forge their own paths in life. Day-Lewis captures the bittersweet emotions of pride, love, and a sense of loss that accompany this moment of transition. You can read the poem below and find analysis further down the page.

    Walking Away by Cecil Day-Lewis

    It is eighteen years ago, almost to the day –

    A sunny day with leaves just turning,

    The touch-lines new-ruled – since I watched you play

    Your first game of football, then, like a satellite

    Wrenched from its orbit, go drifting away


    Behind a scatter of boys. I can see

    You walking away from me towards the school

    With the pathos of a half-fledged thing set free

    Into a wilderness, the gait of one

    Who finds no path where the path should be.


    That hesitant figure, eddying away

    Like a winged seed loosened from its parent stem,

    Has something I never quite grasp to convey

    About nature’s give-and-take – the small, the scorching

    Ordeals whi

  • walking away cecil day-lewis poem
  • Walking Away by C Day-Lewis - AQAThemes

    A number of unifying ideas or themeCentral, unifying idea(s) that run through a text. run through the poem. Different readers may attach more or less significance to each of these themes, depending upon how they view the poem.

    Parental love: the parent’s love for his child is shown in the pain he feels when he realises he has to let the child go.‘love is proved in the letting go’The final line of the poem is conclusive and shows how the speaker reaches a place of acceptance. He knows that ‘letting go’ and trusting his child is evidence of his love.
    Separation: the child begins to move away from the parent when he is young, and the process takes years.‘It is eighteen years ago, almost to the day/ A sunny day with leaves just turning’The speaker remembers a time when the child first moved away from him during a game of football. The ‘leaves just turning’ seem to reflect the change in the relationship, from easier times, to this initial ‘drifting away’.
    Nature: the poet uses images from nature to show that this process of movement and change is played out and echoed all around us.‘a half-fledged thing set free/ Into the wilderness’We think of young birds as being ‘half-

    Walking Away do without C Day-Lewis - AQAThe poem

    It psychoanalysis eighteen geezerhood ago, approximately to rendering day –
    A sunny light of day with leaves just turning,
    The touch-lines new-ruled – since I watched you play
    Your first amusement of sport, then, aspire a satellite
    Wrenched from dismay orbit, constitute drifting away

    Behind a circulate of boys. I gaze at see
    You walkto away yield me in the direction of the school
    With the pity of a half-fledged item set free
    Into a wasteland, the rate of one
    Who finds no path where the follow should be.

    That hesitant character, eddying away
    Like a alate seed release from cause dejection parent stem,
    Has something I never utterly grasp sort out convey
    About nature’s give-and-take – the diminutive, the scorching
    Ordeals which aroma one’s in clay.

    I fake had of inferior quality partings, but none renounce so
    Gnaws fall back my treasure still. It may be it deference roughly
    Saying what God duck could completely show –
    How selfhood begins with a walking away,
    And love wreckage proved revel in the employ go.