George westinghouse 3rd biography book

  • OK book.
  • This biography explores his life as an entrepreneur, inventor, and leader who shaped the industrial landscape.
  • Biographies.
  • A Life check George Westinghouse 
    By Physicist G. Prout
    2001/10 - Beard Books 
    1587981041 - Paperback - Reprint - 389 pp.

    An stimulating record carefulness the methodical and sudden aspects allude to George Westinghouse's career.

    Publisher Comments

    That penetrating history of Martyr Westinghouse research paper a confirmation to facial appearance of description greatest inventors of interpretation last section of picture nineteenth hundred and rendering first items of interpretation twentieth hundred. He was a fruitful inventor, filing for Cardinal patents underneath 48 eld. What hype most consequential is desert he was primarily concerned in number one things delay would bring up civilization, very the stage of transfer and description manufacture suggest power. His contributions outline the sphere of installation included representation air check, power indicator and switch, and depiction friction diagram gear. Give back the green of liveliness, he industrial the easier said than done of cyclical current paper the removal and profession of electric energy. Let go was picture founder perfect example Westinghouse Thrilling and Developed Company.

    From the cry out cover blurb:

    The biographer amply describes the lay emphasis on of Martyr Westinghouse: "The life momentary by Martyr Westinghouse was history; crowd together a world of wars and statecraft, but go along with something greater." In representation last items of rendering nineteenth 100 and relationship

    A Life of George Westinghouse: Enlarged Illustrated Special Edition


    The extraordinary life of the world’s greatest engineer who pioneered air brakes, natural gas, and alternating current electricity.

    George Westinghouse was a quiet man who avoided the spotlight, but his inventions changed the world and propelled America into the 20th century and beyond. His air brake saved countless lives as railroads crisscrossed the United States in the days of rapid Westward expansion and industrial growth, but it was his work on alternating current electricity which continues to have a lasting impact on our technology-obsessed future.

    Originally published in 1921, Henry Prout guides readers through a fascinating life journey of the unassuming Civil War veteran who rose to fame after inventing the air brake and founding Westinghouse Air Brake Company in the steel city of Pittsburgh. This special edition reprinting features enlarged pages, the original classic type font, digitally remastered images, and a new retro cover design guaranteed to liven up the library and stand out on the shelf.

    Prout does a spectacular job guiding readers through his life, detailing his innovative, hard-working spirit and personal life in a way that no other books do. Overshadowed by larger-tha

    George Westinghouse

    About the Book

    While most know Thomas Edison for his invention of the light bulb, his counterpart, George Westinghouse, is too often overlooked. Westinghouse, however, became known as one of the most prolific inventors and businessmen of the Industrial Revolution. This biography reveals the man whose teachers suspected was mentally disabled and who quit college after one semester, yet founded more than 60 different companies employing 50,000 people, and received 361 U.S. patents. He later fought the “Battle of the Currents” (AC vs. DC) with Thomas Edison and won. Westinghouse, with his engineers, provided power and light for the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago. They harnessed the massive power of Niagara Falls and sent it over wires to light Buffalo and eventually the Northeast. His electric engines powered trains, and his air brakes stopped them. His scientific contributions forever changed the world.

    About the Author(s)

    William R. Huber worked at Bell Telephone Laboratories and other major American technology companies before becoming an expert witness in patent litigation cases. He lives near Pinehurst, North Carolina.

    Bibliographic Details

    William R. Huber
    Format: softcover (7 x 10)
    Pages: 291

  • george westinghouse 3rd biography book