Hao chang biography of abraham

  • Science; Hao Chang of The Ohio State University received a Hoover Abraham Lincoln, , and is seeking help in locating documents.
  • Hao Chang.
  • Founders' Son: A Life of Abraham Lincoln.
  • Abstract


    The diagnosis of adult-onset Still’s disease (AOSD) is often delayed due to its clinical heterogeneity and lack of pathognomic features. Hence, there is an unmet need for an efficient diagnostic process. The major aim of this study was to compare the differences in disease outcomes between two groups of AOSD patients with and without implementation of the streamlined diagnostic process (SDP).


    Of febrile patients with skin rash and/or arthralgia, individuals had AOSD. The tentative diagnosis of AOSD or non-AOSD was made with or without the SDP implementation. The selection criteria for AOSD outcomes analysis were as follows: (1) age at study entry older than 20 years, (2) fulfillment of the Yamaguchi criteria for AOSD diagnosis, and (3) a follow-up period longer than 6 months after initiation of therapy. Three outcome parameters were evaluated, including diagnosis lag period, the proportion of “early diagnosis,” and the proportion of achieving disease remission after a 6-month therapy.


    The SDP was implemented for expediting AOSD diagnosis in 41 (36%) enrolled patients (SDP-implemented group). The diagnosis lag period was significantly shorter in the SDP-implemented group (median weeks, interquartile range [IQR] – weeks) than in the no

                                                      OHIO HISTORY


    Ssu-t'ung, by Hao Chang of The Ohio State University; Ottoman Civil

    Officialdom: A Social History, by Carter V. Findley of The Ohio State

    University; A Shuttle Chronology Abstract Concepts to Letter

    Contracts, by John F. Guilmartin of The Ohio State University; From Margin

    to Mainstream: American Women and Politics Since , by Susan M.

    Hartmann of The Ohio State University; The Piano in America, , by

    Craig H. Roell of The Ohio State University; Union Brotherhood, Union Town:

    The History of the Carpenters' Union of Chicago, , by Richard

    Schneirov of The Ohio State University; Hearth and Knapsack: The Ladley

    Letters, , co-edited by Carl Becker and Ritchie Thomas of Wright

    State University; and, Political Leadership in a Southern City: New Orleans

    in the Progressive Era, , by Edward F. Haas of Wright State Uni-



    The Hagley Museum and Library has opened the records of the Pennsylvania

    Railroad for

  • hao chang biography of abraham
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