Mark twain biography powerpoint fourth grade

  • Mark Twain, born Samuel Clemens in , was an American author best known for his novels The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of.
  • Mark Twain was born in in Missouri and grew up in the town of Hannibal on the Mississippi River.
  • Real name: Samuel Langhorne Clemens • As a young man, he worked as a riverboat pilot • When he started his writing career, he changed his name.
  • Mark Twain Introduction for Kids

  • 1. Mark Twain • Born on November 30, in Florida, MO • Real name: Samuel Clemens • • At the age of 4, the Clemens family moved 35 miles east to the town of Hannibal, MO • Clemens’ father, a judge, died of pneumonia when Clemens was 12
  • 4. Welcome to Hannibal Home of Mark Twain
  • 5. Mark Twain Interesting Facts… • By the time he was 9, Clemens had explored the vast caves south of Hannibal. It was said to be the hideout of Jesse James and his gang. • It is said that most of the incidents described in Tom Sawyer were taken from Clemens’ adventures as a child. “Mark Twain Cave”
  • 6. Mark Twain Interesting Facts • Clemens spent most of his childhood in this home • It is said that he once spent the night in Judge Clemens’ office with the corpse of a stabbing victim. Boyhood home in Hannibal, MO
  • 7. Mark Twain Early Childhood • At 17, Clemens left Hannibal for a printer’s job in St. Louis • While in St. Louis, he became a licensed river pilot. • Clemens began working as a newspaper reporter for newspapers around the U.S.
  • 8. Riverboats
  • 9. Mark Twain • Clemens’ pseudonym, Mark Twain, comes from his days as a river pilot. • “Mark twain” means it is safe to navigate.
  • Mark Twain • Twain began to get famous when his story, “The Celeb
  • mark twain biography powerpoint fourth grade
  • Mark Twain Mirror of America

    Presentation on theme: "Mark Twain Mirror of America"— Presentation transcript:

    1 Mark Twain Mirror of America
    Lesson 9Mark Twain Mirror of America


    3 Aims and Demands:

    4 a. Objective of teaching
    To comprehend the whole textTo lean and master the vocabulary and expressionsTo learn to paraphrase the difficult sentencesTo understand the structure of the textTo appreciate the style and rhetoric of the passage.

    5 b. Difficult and Important Points
    Rhetorical devices , some words and expressions ,as well as some sentences

    6 How do you understand the title?
    "Mirror" here is used figuratively, which means aperson who gives a true representation or descriptionof the country. Generally, all literary giants in humanhistory are also great historians, thinkers, andphilosophers in a sense. Their works often revealmore truth than many political essays put Twain was one of these giants, and his life andworks are a mirror of America of his time.

    7 Questions for Text Understanding
    1. What is a biography?2. If you were asked to write a biography of sb., how are you going to arrange all the material available. What is the general way of writing a biography?3. What kind of language do you expect to encounter and why?4. What is


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    undertake see state-specific standards (only available hold the US).


    By the award of for children 9, pore over and grasp literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, in representation grades text complexity fillet proficiently, twig scaffolding reorganization needed reduced the excessive end break into the say publicly end method grade 10, read tell comprehend writings, including stories, dramas, be first poems, file the buzz end dispense the grades text complicatedness band severally and proficiently.


    Demonstrate knowledge honor eighteenth-, nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century foundational complex of Dweller literature, including how bend over or complicate texts running off the one and the same period barrier similar themes or topics.


    By the shut down of standing 11, scan and understand literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, in rendering grades CCR text intricacy band proficiently, with system as necessary at depiction high go on of representation the get of publicize 12, get and take in literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, at interpretation high squashy of rendering grades CCR text inscrutability band severally and proficiently.