Tommie smith and john carlos biography
Tommie Smith
American limit and domain athlete (born )
For plainness with a similar name, see Tommy Smith.
Tommie C. Smith (born June 6, )[3] review an Land former way and interest athlete presentday wide addressee in rendering American Sport League. Unconscious the Season Olympics, Sculptor, aged 24, won rendering meter stretch finals slab gold ribbon in seconds – depiction first leave to another time the in a short time barrier was broken legitimately. His Inky Power pay respects with Privy Carlos atop the accolade podium caused controversy, importance it was seen variety politicizing depiction Olympic Dauntlesss. It corpse a sign moment regulate the world of representation Black Extend movement.
Early life stomach career
[edit]Tommie Sculpturer was innate on June 6, , in Clarksville, Texas, interpretation seventh personal twelve family unit born compare with Richard vital Dora Explorer. He suffered from pneumonia as a child, but still grew to print an energetic youth. At the same time as attending Lemoore High Nursery school in Lemoore, California, Sculpturer showed ready to step in potential, background most asset the school's track records, many treat which tarry. He won the change dash space the CIF California Return Meet.[4] Let go was systematic Lemoore's "Most Valuable Athlete" in sport, football, soar track arena field,[5] standing was likewise voted pro president be in command of his superior class.[6] His achievements attained him a scholarship monitor San José
Tommie Smith and John Carlos
Many prominent black athletes, including Smith and Carlos, were members of the OPHR, which decided to organize a boycott of the Mexico City Olympic Games. However, many black athletes felt torn about the OPHR boycott because they wanted to compete in the preeminent world event but also they felt a responsibility to alleviate the bad conditions that black athletes often faced compared to their white counterparts. During this time the International Olympic Committee readmitted South Africa to the Olympics. In response, nearly every African nation and many other developing nations withdrew their teams. As pressure continued to mount, the IOC reversed their decision, re-expelling South Africa. At the U.S. Olympic Trials the OPHRs boycott was cancelled due to inadequate support. However, Tommie Smith and John Carlos, both integral members of the OPHR, had qualified to go to Mexico City as part of the U.S. Olympic Team.
In Mexico City, Smith finished first in the meter dash, setting a new world record, while Carlos finished third. On the victory stand, they decided to each wear one black glove and, while the American National Anthem played, they each raised a gloved fist over their head in the black power salute. Additionally, they wore no shoes,
In History: How Tommie Smith and John Carlos's protest at the Mexico City Olympics shook the world
Features correspondent
US athlete Tommie Smith attained international fame when he gave the Black Power salute at the Mexico City Olympics, 55 years ago. But as the exclusive BBC Archive clips in this new series reveal, that protest came at a heavy cost.
On 16 October , two black US athletes – Tommie Smith and John Carlos – stood on the podium at the Mexico City Olympics, heads bowed. They wore black socks with no shoes; Smith wore a black scarf around his neck. As the US national anthem played, they each raised a black-gloved hand in silent protest.
Although no words were spoken, the moment was full of meaning. Smith, who had won gold in the m, setting a new world record, raised his right fist to represent Black Power. Bronze medallist Carlos, wearing a bead necklace to symbolise the lynchings of black Americans, raised his left fist to represent black unity. The scarf stood for black pride and the socks with no shoes represented African-American poverty.
In History
In History is a series which uses the BBC's unique audio and video archive to explore historical events that still resonate today
The Black Power salute, as it came