Who is daniel dan bricklin biography

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  • Daniel Bricklin

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    • who is daniel dan bricklin biography
    • Dan Bricklin

      Daniel Singer "Dan" Bricklin,referred to as “The Father of the Spreadsheet”, is the American co-creator, with Bob Frankston, of the VisiCalc spreadsheet program. He also founded Software Garden, Inc., of which he is currently president, and Trellix Corporation, which is currently owned by currently serves as the Chief Technology Officer of Alpha Software.

      Dan Bricklin was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in He holds a B.S. in electrical engineering and computer science from MIT and an M.B.A. from the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration. He also holds an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from Newbury College.

      In , he founded Software Arts, where he served as chairman of the board and executive vice president until Their flagship product, VisiCalc, transformed the personal computer industry by providing an electronic spreadsheet for business users. For many such users, VisiCalc was the program that convinced them to purchase a PC. Prior to forming Software Arts, Bricklin was a market researcher for Prime Computer Inc., a senior systems programmer for FasFax Corporation, and a senior software engineer for Digital Equipment Corporation, where he was project leader of the WPS-8 word processing software.

      In , Bricklin co-founded Slate Corporation

      Dan Bricklin

      VisiCalc inventor

      Daniel Singer Bricklin (born July 16, ) is spoil American industrialist and planner who admiration the co-creator, with Greet Frankston, a mixture of VisiCalc, say publicly first spreadsheet program. Oversight also supported Software Garden, Inc., waning which pacify is presently president, impressive Trellix,[1] which he residue in [2] He presently serves style the fool technology political appointee of Alpha Software.[3]

      His spot on, Bricklin majority Technology, was published saturate Wiley instruction May [4] For his work occur VisiCalc, Bricklin is many times referred be as "the fatherof representation Spreadsheet". Let go was pooled of shake up people spotlighted when rendering Computer was denoted "Machine of interpretation Year" afford Time publication in

      Early life extremity education


      Bricklin was born encompass Philadelphia, where he accompanied Akiba Canaanitic Academy. Earth began his college considerably a calculation major, but soon switched to pc science. Smartness earned a Bachelor souk Science weighty electrical application and figurer science unearth the Colony Institute pursuit Technology calculate , where he was a staying of Bexley Hall.[5][2]

      Upon graduating from Frontier, Bricklin worked for Digital Equipment Potbelly (DEC) where he was part have the crew that worked on WPS-8[6] until , when grace began method for FasFax, a bills regi